I have a friend that is thinking about taking speed. What does speed do to someone?!

Question: A friend...................... right as I was saying, a friend of mine was thinking about taking speed. I am wondering what effects this would have on me, no wait I mean my friend. ;)
He is about my build,
6'1" and 180lbs.
Thanks for your input.

Answers: A friend...................... right as I was saying, a friend of mine was thinking about taking speed. I am wondering what effects this would have on me, no wait I mean my friend. ;)
He is about my build,
6'1" and 180lbs.
Thanks for your input.

You, I mean your friend will get addicted, wont eat or sleep hence getting bone skinny and turn ugly. And eventually land in rehab or worse homeless on the street.

A lot of stress on the heart - needless to say dangerous.

IT COULD KILL YOU. DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS, even if they could make you look like brad pitt but its still not worth the hassle

You are playing with fire. Mentally, emotionally, socially and physically. Don't do it.

from an ex user dont do it !!! sure it makes u feel good that what its designed 4 but the comming down u dont want that not 2 mention the paranoia and depression that most suffer as a result

spped sucks why not just get drunk face

okay,,since i grew up around ppl taking speed,,and yes i taken it myself,,but quit quickly,cause i like what i have.=)
--ppl say it is bad 4 u blah blah,,u can listen to them or think they are full of crap cause u think they dont really know,,its ur/or ur friends choice.
----(,we are talking strong diet pills,crank mixed with water and placed in a needle,the powder form is Crank or crystal meth,,crank and meth is from a rock,or small brick,,it is either sold in small rocks,or crushed to be mixed with things to lessen its powers so to speak,and snorted,,the rock form is what ppl are smoking,sum places its called ice,but its all about the same)
---Effects From Taking Speed-----
at 12 i witnessed my step brother doing speed,,he waz cool at first,After he left town we found ot he stole several thousands dollars worth of things from our home,,he stole from his friends and places he had been working at,,he wiped out a entire garage of tools and equipment,..
--at 17 a good friend of mine began taking speed,,crank,evertything he owned paid for,,he and his g/f got married strung out on that stuff,,he lost every thing,,even his brick home.
--at 19 i worked at a shop,we hired a new mechanic,he came 2 my house one day he and a friend of mine,,and they began shooting up!--they did it 1x each,,dude looked down at his needle and filled it with air,,,shoved it in his arm going to get another shot,,the first shot made him out of it,,he act like he didnt know what the hell was going on,,we stopped him before he pushed air in his arm,,that would have killed him..
--20yrs old i watched a neighbor flipped out,,he was strung out,,he slammed his car over an over into his wifes car,,she was on the porch screaming for him to stop..that was funny as hell,,2 crack heads gone wild...
--6 yrs ago,,my wifes mom and brothers started taking speed,,,started with pills then went to meth..her brothers began to have huge red bumps pop up and they would pick at them till they oozed yellow puss,,then scabs with infection under neath would be over their face and exposed body parts.
Ther skin shrunk into their skulls,,the speed they were doing caused their body to emit a awful oder,,like some sort of chemical.
--they began to steal from each other to get more,they sold their $700 t.v. for $25,,began to lie and rip ppl off and lie about that also..
--and to watch some one who hasnt done speed do Good speed,can kill them,,but any speed,it can affect ur breathing,,heart,,lungs and brain,,kidneys can fail,,and organs just get so stressed at once,begans cramping..
--The Reason Ppl Do It---
--as a social drug,,makes u more interactive when ur on it,
,,so when ur on it ur willing to do things that u wouldnt do normally,,like raped.
--u stay up for days at a time,and since speed also speeds ur thoughts,,u get nothing done.,(them u see things that arent really there from lack of sleep,,)-
---they can get more done at work and makes the shift go by quicker,,but it can cost about a days pay or better to do so,,and then when ur body winds down,u feel like crap for the next few days until ur body adjust its self.
--thats how many began to get strung out,,cause taking more will help ur body get going and u feel better,,but,,ur slowly killing urself so u die quicker..
maybe ur differnt,,u may not be like any of them,,they were well liked b 4 speed,,u may not be like me,,the first time i laid in bed and wondered when my heart would explode,,with every painful Thump,,i almost could see the sheets jump off my chest.the 2 time i threw up till i thought my jaws would split,
Maybe u can get a itchy rush,,ur around people u can trust,and ur only doing it just once..So U Should be fine..of course if u can trust them why are they allowing u to do sumthing that can be dangerous??
--BUT ur going to do what u want,if u wake up,raped,robbed in the hospital,because ur heart nearly exploded from the enegry rush u got and the massive blood flow into ur head which caused u to black out,,just be happy it was only one time..


increased energy and alertness
decreased need for sleep
increased sexuality
excessive talking
weight loss
visual & auditory hallucinations (hearing voices)
disturbed sleep patterns
tightened jaw muscles, grinding teeth (trismus and bruxia)
loss of appetite (anorexia), leading to poor nutrition and weight loss with heavy use
reduced enjoyment of eating
loss of interest in sex, over time
itching, welts on skin
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
excessive excitation, hyperactivity
shortness of breath
moodiness & irritability
anxiousness & nervousness
panic, suspiciousness & paranoia
involuntary body movements (uncontrollable movement and/or twitches of fingers, facial & body muscles, lip-smaking, tongue protrusion, grimacing, etc.)
false sense of confidence and power (delusions of grandeur)
aggressive and violent behavior
severe depression, suicidal tendencies

Effects of Habitual Use
fatal kidney and lung disorders
possible brain damage
permanent psychological problems
lowered resistance to illnesses
liver damage

All in all, it's a fun experience once if all goes well, but if not, you run the risk of dying. Plus, it is equal to herion as the two top most addictive drugs.

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