Is it true that going to sleep after 2am reduces the effectiveness?!

Question: Even if you sleep a full 8 hours, I've heard that a specific hormone melatonin is not produced after 1 or 2 in the morning, so you will not reap the benefits of a full night's sleep from any later than that. Has anyone heard of this?

kinda bad news for college students.

Answers: Even if you sleep a full 8 hours, I've heard that a specific hormone melatonin is not produced after 1 or 2 in the morning, so you will not reap the benefits of a full night's sleep from any later than that. Has anyone heard of this?

kinda bad news for college students.

Your body produces less melatonin after 2 am, but not zero. Another hormone, cortisol, is also produced in higher quantities between 4-5 am. It has to do with how your body responds to stress and how much body fat you are storing. Over time, you can "train" your system into producing near-normal levels by darkening and quieting your room. If you're up late studying, try drinking a glass of warm milk before bed.

not quite sure

Your always going to hear these types of things, but it makes no sense to me. I have been a "night owl" since i was very young and can't say that my body never produced any melanin because of it.
That just sounds silly... Don't believe everything you hear.....

Yes it's true. There was a study recently comparing people who work graveyard shifts to people working the day shift of the same job. Sleep is less effective if it isn't during the night.

it dosnt matter what time u take it will have the same effective as any other time

They say that many tests have been done that prove sleep before midnight is many times more effective than sleep after midnight. I happen to be a night person though, which really is rare I know, but it doesn't seem to work that way for me. If I sleep before 10 or 11 at night, I am very restless and not as rested in the a.m. But, if I go to bed late and can sleep until 8a.m. I am much more rested. My best sleep is from 4-8 a.m and when I'm getting really restless and tired, I stay up late a few nights in a row and sleep in, it makes a world of difference.

All that to say that in everything, we are individuals. Yes, they've done the tests, and they have their standards set by average performances. But, personally, I have never fit that mold, so go by your body and what it says to you.

You can probably find links to the tests at - he is a big proponent of before midnight bedtimes, as is Jordan Reubin.

Can you really sleep just as well in the day as night? I guess not. Its difficult to get that quiet so you wont be disturbed. You also need it to be absolutely dark so you can trick your body to think its night. If you can do this it wont make a difference when you fall asleep.

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