Lexapro help???!

Question: Does it make you gain weight? Is it a good medication to go on by your doctor?

Answers: Does it make you gain weight? Is it a good medication to go on by your doctor?

In and of itself, Lexapro shouldn't make you gain weight, but it really depends on why you were prescribed the Lexapro. For example, if you were prescribed Lexapro to treat depression, and you had a low appetite related to the depression, then the Lexapro could conceivably boost your appetite, possibly causing you to eat more, possibly leading to weight gain. If low appetite isn't an issue, then I really wouldn't worry about gaining weight. There's also a chance that the Lexapro might curb your appetite a bit.

As far as whether the medication is good...well, on one hand, it depends on why you were prescribed it. Lexapro is pretty effective for things like depression and the like. On the other hand, whether the medication is good or not can't really be answered, as everybody reacts differently to different medications. What works and is effective and "good" in one person might not be effective and "good" in another person.

I didn't gain weight from it. I love the way it works for me. Stopped the anxiety attacks completely!

It does *not* make you gain weight. The side affects mostly include a "tingling" in your head, and some tiredness for the first week or so...

it didnt make me gain weight but i dont like antidepressants...too many mood swings and 'blah' days.

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