Are there any legal ways to knock some one out,or calm them down? besides feeding them a lot of turkey?!

Question: Obviously, this is a full grown aggressive acting adult, and I know, micky finns, tasers, cloroform, elephant darts, clubs, are no nos.Perhaps, lavender scents? or calming foods? Also alcohol has the opposite effect on them.

Answers: Obviously, this is a full grown aggressive acting adult, and I know, micky finns, tasers, cloroform, elephant darts, clubs, are no nos.Perhaps, lavender scents? or calming foods? Also alcohol has the opposite effect on them.

Try some L-Theanine, a good multivitamin with b complex. Magnesium and calcium for nerves(preferably in powder form to mix in water) and ashwaghanda is good for stress. The chinese believe that the emotions and the liver are tied and that the more toxic it is the more of an emotional imbalance. I would try to get an herbal liver tonic, something with milk thistle, he shou wu, schizandra, dandelion...these are all liver tonics and have good benefits for the body. I would try to consult and herbalist about getting a good liver cleanse or have one recommend a product. I often times go to this website and ask for help and they are very helpful. The advice is free and they have good herbal products for just about any issue.

Btw, the l-theanine calms you down in 30 minutes or so, the other herbs take a while to work.

I guess ol' opus is at it again

Hot bath and sex - thats about it :-)

hahahahaha. lol! funny as heck! karate chop!

My brother gives his hyperactive dog Benedryl when they go on trips to calm her down.

Maybe this person should see a doctor if this is a big problem!

put tranquilizers in their food! just not too many...

Try lighting a lavender inscense....that would be about the only thing to keep you out of jail

A good reflexologist or accunpuncturist could teach you a few tricks. I have used reflexology points in the feet to put people to sleep, or even just a deep relaxation, within a few minutes.

The point that you want to focus on is the reflex for the solar plexus. In reflexology it is used to stimulate the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which is responsible for:

* slowing down of the heartbeat
* lowering of blood pressure
* constriction of the pupils
* increased blood flow to the skin and viscera
* peristalsis of the GI tract

Do a search for some reflexology diagrams to find the exact point to use and for tips on technique.

Lavender (real lavender, such as the true essential oil or something homemade from actual lavender buds) would probably be one of the best, passive methods for you to use on someone. You could get a diffuser.

Other things would likely depend on how willing HE is to be calmed. Would he even accept calming foods from you? If he's being contrary and aggressive, you only may or may not get him to take something like benydryl. "Drug" him on the sly, perhaps, with an over-the-counter sleep aid? Even that requires he eats/drinks what you tell him to.

If he DOES want to calm down and just is having trouble with self-control, maybe you can do some breathing exercises with him, perhaps meditation techniques to clear the mind. A gentle hand on the arm or a soothing neck rub could be a loving way to help him. Maybe he needs someone to sympathize with his frustration and validation. There's no quick fix for that, do some compassionate active listening.

Most importantly, do not escalate the situation by meeting his aggression with aggression (or anger, or defensiveness, or passive aggression.) The idea of tasers and elephant darts made me smile, and are certainly instantaneous! How much more meaningful and beneficial a calm presence from you would be. Send out peaceful energy, good positive vibes, and loving thoughts. His aggression might just fizzle when he sees you won't take the bait for an argument--it can feel pretty silly when the person you're trying to rile up with your negativity just good-natured-ly agrees with you!

a big bowl of pasta

moderately large doses of vitamin B-6 can help. In farily large doses (up to 1 gram for an adult) it is safe, and can be mixed into juice or another drink since it has no flavor of its own. It effectively increases the serotonin levels in the blood.

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