Where can I find salvia???!

Question: HELP !

Answers: HELP !

Where can you find SALIVA??? Ewww... that's gross!

(just kidding)

We don't know where you live (warm or cold clime), or what you are looking for (flowers, leaves, or seeds), or even how much you already know about salvia. That said, most greenhouses carry salvia plants in the spring (they are flowers -- often blue or red -- that grow around 8" tall, although some can grow taller). In most zones they are annuals (you need to replant every year, but, in the south, they may be perennial). You can probably buy seeds on-line year-round. Lowe's sells seeds year-round, too, I think.

I noticed you posted this in Alternative Medicine; if you are looking for dried salvia, to be used as an herbal medicine, I would think that any on-line supplier should be able to sell you some. Hope this helps.

any tobacco shop you have to be 18 to buy it though

Spit in your hand....

OH! I thought you said saliva...

whats salvia

in your mouth.

any head shop. you do have to be 18 though.
and trust me it's not all it's cracked up to be. the high only lasts a couple minutes. (at least for me it did)

(assuming thats why you want it)

dude you're 14 why do you want to try that ****? I've done it several times and i'm telling you now that i had very profound, terrible experiences.

They have it at most tobacco smoke shops. It's usually like $40 for a small vile.

Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Delaware, Maine, and North Dakota have made the possession of salvia illegal. But if you live in the other states just go to any tobacco shop. =)

These are the states that have banned salvia:

North Dakota
These states have made the possession of salvia illegal.

If you live somewhere else, you can go to a pharmacy or a tobacco store.

your going to have to bribe someone to buy it for yea, but any head shop will have it, and it's not cheap! Good luck....

You need to be 18 to buy it. You can get it at almost any head shop unless you live in one of the two states it's illegal in.

Where can you find SALIVA??? Ewww... that's gross!

(just kidding)

We don't know where you live (warm or cold clime), or what you are looking for (flowers, leaves, or seeds), or even how much you already know about salvia. That said, most greenhouses carry salvia plants in the spring (they are flowers -- often blue or red -- that grow around 8" tall, although some can grow taller). In most zones they are annuals (you need to replant every year, but, in the south, they may be perennial). You can probably buy seeds on-line year-round. Lowe's sells seeds year-round, too, I think.

I noticed you posted this in Alternative Medicine; if you are looking for dried salvia, to be used as an herbal medicine, I would think that any on-line supplier should be able to sell you some. Hope this helps.

Waterbeds & Stuff if they are in your area...or subscribe to High Times magazine

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