How do i make good painkiller with no prescription?!

Question: i had two wisdom teeth taken out today and all i got was a bottle of ibprofun. what can i mix together to make a good painkiller. or are there any good natural suggestions? anything would help please.

Answers: i had two wisdom teeth taken out today and all i got was a bottle of ibprofun. what can i mix together to make a good painkiller. or are there any good natural suggestions? anything would help please.

Drink robitussin
cough and cold only
with only dextromethorphan hydrbromide in it.
For you... you need about 6 oz. But it comes along with a hallucinogenic trip.

Nothing~and ibuprofun will do just fine. Painkillers are only addictive and do more harm than good. Try a hot compress

Under no circumstances should you take the advice of ORDO...neither humorous or funny to encourge someone to take a narcotic substance ~ REFUSE painkillers from all doctors.they are just legal drug dealers.....

If you have a genetic predisposition to addiction (parent, siblings, any member of your family, resist narcotics at all costs)

Opium is great for natural pain relief. You can find opium poppy pods online (they are completely legal). You can also find them at your local florist. They are used in floral arrangements. Make sure you get pods of the Papaver somniferum species. They have decent amounts of morphine, thebaine, codeine, papaverine, and noscapine. Grind up, make tea, and go to town.

You could also ferment some grain or fruit. Ethanol numbs the pain.

You could smoke some Cannabis.

Or you could just nag your dentist until you get some vicodin.

Refusing painkillers from your doctor when you're in pain is a little extreme. Go to your dentist and complain about the pain especially since you're close to passing out. Sometimes orthodox medicine is required as the constituents are concentrated. People become slightly extreme about this topic.
(herbs to try if you don't want to get more "bad doctor medicine" are: Californian poppy, Jamaican dogwood, Kava)

Contact your oral surgeon's office. Most offices have a number you can call for emergency or urgent help; some offices even have an after-hours answering service. Tell them you are in significant pain and request a painkiller.

Yes, narcotic painkillers can be addictive. However, I have had several oral surgeries (four wisdom teeth extractions and six gum graft surgeries) and the pain after oral surgery is horrible. There are quite simply no "natural" effective painkillers for this type of pain.

Did you try the ibrophren? If taking it as directed by the dentist doesn't help, call the dentist.

Ibrophren is a good anti inflammatory as well as a pain killer. It will help reduce the swelling. If the swelling is not controlled, you will have more pain. So take the ibrophen.

clove oil.

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