Has anyone ever used yeast gard products to cure yeast infections?!

Question: I know you are going to think I am crazy, but you know how I get rid of a yeast infection??
Go to the health food store, buy good acidophiles, the kind that needs to be refrigerated. Take about 3 or 4 capsules, open them up. Dampen a tampon, roll it in the acidophiles, and insert (the best you can, as you took it out of the pkg.) Leave it in for 15-30 min. I know this sounds crazy, but it works!!

Answers: I know you are going to think I am crazy, but you know how I get rid of a yeast infection??
Go to the health food store, buy good acidophiles, the kind that needs to be refrigerated. Take about 3 or 4 capsules, open them up. Dampen a tampon, roll it in the acidophiles, and insert (the best you can, as you took it out of the pkg.) Leave it in for 15-30 min. I know this sounds crazy, but it works!!


I have a very good friend of mine who is a OB/GY doctor and she has been recommending a product from a company called Pharmalox.....www.pharmalox.com...It is called Immune Balance. She uses it in her practice to help treat and prevent vaginal infections..She has gone on the radio here in Phoenix, Arizona and has been an advocate of the product. I myself have been using the same product to help my patients with bacterial, viral or fungal infections and also with auto-immune issues. I seriously recommend that you take a look at it and decide for your self. In my professional opinion, It would help you!!!

Dr Dev

Use monostat 7, the 7 day one is better than the 3 day one if you still have the infection get another one sometimes it takes longer to work and cotinue using for 14 days.

Once the yeast is in your body, it's there forever. Some people have it from the time they're born because as they are born they contract it from their mother. The first time it flares up it is usually as thrush mouth.
Once you find out what causes the infection to flare up you can eliminate or reduce the chances of that happening. An example of this would be for a diabetic to control their sugar levels. Yeast requires warmth, moisture and a food source (the sugar).
Just like with antibiotics. They don't cause an infection, they just make it really easy for one to flourish. They kill off good bacteria as well as the ones they're supposed to eradicate. The good bacteria aren't there to control the yeast population and all of a sudden there's a smelly yeast infection making us itch.

So, the moral of the story is: Lets deal with the cause of the infection and we won't have to get "bandaid" solutions which only work temporarily.

Yeah Muse.....someone gets it. I have been working on re-balancing my ph. I have been dealing with this issue off and on for years, and the medications are just quick fix. For the past 6 months I have been faithfully adjusting my diet, adding more yogurt and acidophilus, more fiber, less usgar, less alcohol, more exercise and much more water. And guess what...it is working! Better health through better eating. If people actually understood that your own body can cure most problems that we purchase over the counter products for with the help of proper diet and exercise, we could put a HUGE dent in the pharma corp business. But alas, folks want a quick fix and don't want to do the work.

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