How much do I take of laxitive?!

Question: Magnesium citrate?

it says 8 fl oz...what?????

Answers: Magnesium citrate?

it says 8 fl oz...what?????

the stuff you speak of does indeed usually require the whole bottle. the manufacturers take into account dosage, so they make them in the size that helps the most.

8oz. = 1 cup, so find a measuring cup

it depend do u want to go alot or a little

You should try a stool softner rather than a laxitive. Stool softeners draw out water from the tissues in your colon and add it to your stool. In turn, this makes it easier to go. Dulcolax is an over the counter stool softner. You should also try to eat lots of veggies!

You are probably not drinking enough water or eating enough veggies.
I would start with a great big glass of water , wait about 10 minutes and then take only half the bottle. See if that helps things along.
After about 1 hour, if you haven't felt something going on, I'd repeat the first step.
Good luck.
Acidophiles or Flora helps me stay regular.

Prune juice will set you free.

You can also opt for natural things like papaya, orange with membrane, carrots, apple with skin, spinach soup or in curry form, sprouts as these contains laxative properties. In fact I'll say plenty of fruits and vegetables which contains lot of fibers. THOUGH BEST THING IS ISABGULLA HUSK which is a good laxative. Or you can also try dry dates or dried figs boiled in milk and can be taken at bedtime.

But do not forget to drink enough water. 8-10 glasses. If you can do then start consuming lukewarm water early in the morning. Start with a glass of lukewarm water. For few days take lukewarm water when ever possible. And you don't have to take laxatives for long time if you opt to go natural way.

Good luck !!!

You may want to try these first: You can try Metamucil (fiber), they have the kinds you can mix into water & drink it. It tastes pretty decent. Also milder laxatives... The usual dose of Miralax or Milk of Magnesia laxative is 17grams per dose, which is one capful.

Magnesium Citrate is usually the whole bottle, but it's pretty harsh, are u sure you want to put yourself thru that before trying something milder & also drinking lots of water.... Make sure you eat your veggies... if you hate veggies, you probably should get a fiber supplement.

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