Does anyone have any salvia recipes?!

Question: Is there any way to avoid the down and to the right knocking feelin

Answers: Is there any way to avoid the down and to the right knocking feelin

If you want to ingest salvia, instead of smoking it, the best option would be to somehow obtain fresh leaves or to grow your own salvia divinorum plants and simply chew/suck on them (takes about a half hour and is long lasting as compared to smoking which comes on quickly and diminishes quickly as well)for the ultimate psychedelic experience from this plant. As for baking them into eatables, I am unsure.

When smoking it, be certain to use either a strong, workable Bic lighter or a torch lighter to ensure psychedelic effects. Have more than what you've packed into the bowl at the ready so that if you're cognitive enough to think you might need some more, you have at it at hand. When trying to break through for the first time, try to have another person there with you to pack more bowls for you until you've broken through.

I don't recommend higher than 20x potency when dealing with salvia, especially for the first few times. Scary stuff, for sure.

too bad this isnt illegal yet. (as far as i know)

Some interesting sites on the subject: and

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