Has anyone had any luck treating acne naturally?!

Question: If so what did you use?Have you ever tried homeopathy to treat it and how did that work out for you?

Answers: If so what did you use?Have you ever tried homeopathy to treat it and how did that work out for you?

Zinc tablets worked. Best advise I was ever given. Here's a link;

NO!! do NOT try homeopathic products such as Dr. Franks joint and muscle pain relief. IT DOES NOT WORK!! i tell this to everyone to has pain.
Go to your local doctor. This could be bad and you want to treat it when you can. WOW! i just found a website FULL of acne treating products. I will put the link in the sources area. Best Wishes with the products!!

Acne is your body's attempt to rid toxins. You eat processed food, especially sugar, and your body cannot handle it.

Eat whole foods. Go to http://www.wholepurefood.com and watch the video "how to get fat without really trying" and this will teach you about healthy eating...

Drink lots of water, purify and cleanse your body, eat whole foods, and your acne will go away naturally.

Have to disagree with that answer... I suffer from adult acne and my doctor told me acne is nothing to do with diet. Its a hormonal thing and can be aggravated by stress or tiredness. Not taking you make-up off will cause an outbreak too.

Ive never used homeopathy, dont really believe in it... Im on pills for it and make sure to cleanse, toner and moisturize everyday!

I think it's a combination of hormones and your diet. Doctors probably disagree but you will find that most out there say that diet plays a major role. Your water intake, lots of fruits as it contains antioxidants and of course veggies. I have changed my diet to include more of the right foods, about 1litre of water a day, exercise, use Dr Hauschka natural skincare (but cheat as I also have used Murad - works wonders!!) and been to a naturopath who recommend BPX by natures sunshine as well. Aids in detoxify the liver / blood / good for skin. There are so many..... go to a naturapath or an irodolgist.
These products take time though ... no quick fix :(

There are many different types of acne treatment that people can use. Just about everyone you know has some kind of magical remedy. Log on to http://tipsfromruby-acne.blogspot.com/ for a few home made tips to heal acne .

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