Do you rate colonic irrigation?!

Question: i'm bloated...ugh...

Answers: i'm bloated...ugh...

Here is some information that should help you better understand what is going on before you spend allot of money. Good luck!

As waste is separated from material that can be used as fuel for the body, it is moved through the large intestine. Within the large intestine, the waste absorbs available water to make a bulkier stool. When waste is not moving properly through the bowels, it can accumulate and become impacted in the colon, creating discomfort. One of the more common symptoms is bloating.

Bloating is the swelling of the abdominal region which may be uncomfortable or painful. It may last for only a few days for some, or for long periods of time for others. Occasional bloating associated with constipation is frequently brought on by life circumstances such as travel, a change in diet, or pregnancy. Chronic bloating with constipation is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying problem. This constipation related bloating can develop for a number of reasons and can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness.

Abdominal bloating may happen due to a build up of gas in the colon. When waste has a slow transit time through the colon, in some cases, fermentation may occur, creating a buildup of air. This can cause the abdominal region to swell, and can result in gas, pain, and extreme discomfort. The bloating can be caused by the masses of stool within the internal cavities putting pressure on the muscle walls and on various organs, causing a bloated sensation or feeling of fullness.

There are many other ways that can help you out.
Look into Ayurvedic medicine where massage, diet, herbs, yoga, and meditation all sound better to me then irrigating my colon, and Ayurveda works..

Why don't you try an enema first, colonics can be very expensive.

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