I have a bad chest cold and I lost my voice. What do you recommend?!

Question: I'm not allergic to anything.

Answers: I'm not allergic to anything.

I had this same thing exactly a week ago. Use robotussin, and tons of cough drops every 2 hours or you will get dizzey. Uhhh, don't go to the doctors because they don't give you medicine for it, it's just a really bad cold that comes with losing your voice. Oh yeah, go to your local CVS, Rite Aid, or whatever and buy some vicks vapor rub. It is in a small blue container, rub it all over your chest and right underneath your nose to clear out your throat and everything. Eat lots of chicken noodle soup & you should be better in no time! It got me better in 2 days. Good luck, and feel better soon! --Becca???

I recommend, that you use tylonal, or just go to the doctors and see what they recommend.

drink lemon juice..even if its sour...or some tea..and make sure u take your medicine daily

Vicks vapor rub

Go to the doctor. A LOT of people are getting sick right now with the flu and bronchitis. If you don't treat your cold it could turn into something much worse that takes longer to go away.

eat lots of fruits and Vitamin C...take Tylonol or Niquil so you could rest..


What I recommend to most of my customers is Oregano Oil, Vitamin C and colloidal silver. All three of them are great anti-virals and anti-bacterials.

Many people can find relief with Oregano Oil quite quickly. If you can only start with one thing I would do that. It can stop the infection before it travels further down your lungs as well as helping reduce coughing and mucous.

Outside of this there is a product called Deep Immune, it's up here in Canada. So depending on where you are it may or may not be available. It has an incredible blend of Mushrooms and Astragalus as well which will give your immune system a huge boost. Elderberry is another that works wonders when dealing with a Virus.

To sum it up though I would try the following, in order from most important to least. Any and all of them will help you.

1. Oregano Oil
2. Vitamin C
3. Deep Immune
4. Elderberry
5. Colloidal Silver

Besides all this of course good bed rest in a room that has good circulation and humidity levels are key. Good Luck!

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