Why do I get snotty on Yahoo Answers?!

Question: Mosaic answered a question with incorrect info and I emailed a correction to mosaic but I added the statement, "get your facts straight" which upset mosaic. According to mosaics own words, "I got snotty" - "Why did I get snotty?"

Answers: Mosaic answered a question with incorrect info and I emailed a correction to mosaic but I added the statement, "get your facts straight" which upset mosaic. According to mosaics own words, "I got snotty" - "Why did I get snotty?"

2 Possibilities::: 1/ You got "snotty" because you had a head cold. OR 2/ You were Not "Snotty" at all. I have the same problem, that people do not like being corrected with facts & truth. It hurts some people. The added statement of "get your facts straight" or similar, is sometimes taken as salt rubbed into an open wound. It's bad enough when you are right, but do you have to rub it in too? type of attitude. Once, a women turned the statement around on me by making it sexual, ie:: straight--bent., no way.

Because you can't use tone with type, they probably interpereted it with a snobbish one. you have to be careful what you say because it's very easy to misinterperet. If you didn't mean it snotty, just tell them it was a missunderstanding and didn't mean it in that tone.

Scotty there is intelligent life BEAM me up you have aright to fight what you believe in u go girl have asweet one today tommorow now n forevermore !

Usually corrections are welcome and accepted gracefully. However, your remark was the equivalent of shaking your finger at Mosaic. There may have been several reasons why his/her facts were wrong, and the edgy sarcasm was uncalled for.

Ignorant people like to pretend they're not ignorant.
When they do that, they tend to state opinions as if they are solid facts. When someone tries to correct them, they get hostile.
It's the way of the world.

Laura, I don't know what you said to Mosaic, but I just think he was being over sensitive! I believe your answer to that question was right on line...and he had no business putting the extra comment in his answer. If he found fault with your e-mail, then he should have e-mailed you back to smooth things out!

Sorry if my answer sounds snotty...it's just the way I am!!

Well I will have to admit that I was I bit piss Mosaic advise.
I would like to believe that people come here to try and help other out with there question as you did.
I get a little upset when I see an ignorant reply to someone Else's message. I myself have done extensive research on various subjects to better improve myself.
The reason I say ignorant Is because without thinking this mosaic put his input for others to see. An opion would have be I don't think so. Instead this person tries to feel smarter by belittlin' others.

First of all you had a great answer, and was more nearly correct than any of the other answers. You should instead be commended for that answer.

I can understand it can get annoying here when all these people thumbs down answers or try and tell you you are wrong.
I just let them believe their misinformation because that seems to be the general attitude here. Thumbs down and
misinformation seem to be what they want.
I am still trying to figure out how you get a thumbs down
when a pregnant lady asks what baby girls names you like and you
answer Jessica, Julie and Jade
and get 4 thumbs down.

You can provide all kinds of links and they don't bother checking them out just thumbs down you 'because an expert on TV told them different'

When you disagree with people they take it as snotty because you are defying what they believe in so they take it as a personal attack.
Adam has it exactly right!

"intellect makes everything a problem and knows no solution at all. The world needs a tremendous rebellion that can take it beyond intellect into the silences of intuition. With instinct and intuition functioning together, you can use your intellect for right purposes. Otherwise you have only means but no ends."-OSHO

I had almost lost sight of the purpose of this forum. I thank both you and Mosaic for reminding me. We all can have a difference of opinion and for me that is the beauty of the forum.

Keep Smiling!

Try being simply factual when you correct someone. Here's an example:

"Uh, look, English is not a Romance language. It is a West Germanic language with a heavy overlay of Romance and Latinate vocabulary."

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

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