Why do practitioners and believers of quackery spell so badly?!

Question: Do you think your lack of education might be blinding you to the truth? i.e. that homeoaquackathy and other quackery is fantasy and doesn't work?

Answers: Do you think your lack of education might be blinding you to the truth? i.e. that homeoaquackathy and other quackery is fantasy and doesn't work?

Nail. Head. Hit.

Could it be that your inability to reap any benefits from a holistic approach is due to your hostility toward the entire concept? Not everyone who practices healing is a quack. I do agree that poor grammar and spelling detracts from ones credibility. However, the ability to spell is not an indicator of great wisdom.

I have O levels, A levels, two diplomas and a degree. I am a qualified nurse. Yet I am also a massage therapist and am training to be a nutritional therapist.
I am far from stupid. I have in the past given you links to research into massage therapy that proves the effects and benefits.
I'll give them to you again just in case you didn't look last time.


The Touch Research Institute, founded by Dr. Tiffany Field has done a great deal of research into the positive and healing effects of touch.
Ashley Montagu, a world renowned anthropologist wrote a book called "Touching:The human Significance of the Skin".
Read it. But I doubt you will.

I've know homeopaths who were very intelligent and well-educated ..... it always amazed me that it could be so, but it's a fact. Even some medical doctors are true believers. I guess they tend to be a bit gullible, but they also believe research studies that probably weren't all that well-designed in my opinion.

However aside from homeopathy, I think there are many valid alternative treatments such as herbs. Lots of standard medicines started out as herbs that might have had a dubious reputation until studied further. And much of modern nutritional practice to promote good health was considered quackery, back in the days when the ideal meal for good health would have been a one lb steak and a potato with gobs of butter and sour cream.

There was a time when smoking was not considered to be harmful by many doctors, while intense exercise (running or weightlifting) was believed to be harmful by some. It's often hard to tell when an idea will move from quakery to established medical practice.

Like who, for instance. You continue to make broad meaningless comments about other people - never backing your statements up with anything substantial.

As a long-time reading specialist I can tell you that a study was done of dyslexic children with very high IQ's who went on in life to become medical doctors, earning doctorate in many other fields, etc. - some of whom always had difficulty reading and most continued to have spelling problems all their life.

"Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew."

Perhapz it iz becoz they iz not educatud?

What the heck kinda word is that??

You sure did miss noticing your little red underline spell checker on that one!

Dictionary definition please!

Oh and support if it is Websters or Morten W's

Do you think that your lack of a brain might be binding you to becoming the biggest bore on Yahoo answers?

I earned a degree in history. I changed gears a few years ago. I returned to school and became a nurse. i later commenced studying alternative medicines. i do not think i am stupid or ill educated. You should pay more attention to what is said on this site instead of being so critical of us. It might do you some good

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