Where can i get marijuana? i haven't tried smoking it, and i want to try...?!

Question: I can't tell you where to get it, but I can tell you about my history of smoking marijuana.

In the late sixties and early seventies, I lived in a hippie commune. Everybody there smoked grass and dropped acid (LSD).

I chose not to drop acid because I had read enough about it to know that its effects are unpredictable. I also had read enough about grass to realize that it was no more dangerous than booze.

Because I had never smoked cigarettes, I was not used to inhaling smoke. So when I started to inhale marijuana, I coughed a lot. Everybody around me who was stoned thought this was hilarious, so I turned my coughing into a comedy routine to further amuse them.

For about two weeks, I could feel no effects. Then one day, it hit me. We were listening to music, and I heard some wonderful things about it that were not obvious to me before I got stoned. Also, even the most common things seemed funny or ridiculous (especially television commercials).

I smoked grass rather constantly for about a year. I never smoked it by myself, however, and almost always always made use of it it only when I was partying with other people I living with in the commune. (Among hippies, this was a social ceremony, though quite a bit less formal than the Japanese tea ceremony.) This was the happiest year of my life.

After leaving the commune, I would continue smoking it from time to time, but I was careful not to do it too often. Eventually I stopped it completely with no problem.

I have a friend who smokes it; and whenever I see her, I always smoke it with her. I haven't seen her for more than a year, however; so I haven't smoked it since the last time I saw her.

Like booze or any other intoxicant, you should be very careful not to overdo it. While it is hard to become addicted to it, some people eventually do become strung out on it. Also, marijuana smoke is as bad for your lungs as cigarette smoke is. Also, too much of it can damage your memory.

Now, whenever I come across some marijuana, I never smoke it. I give it to a neighbor of mine who has AIDS.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Answers: I can't tell you where to get it, but I can tell you about my history of smoking marijuana.

In the late sixties and early seventies, I lived in a hippie commune. Everybody there smoked grass and dropped acid (LSD).

I chose not to drop acid because I had read enough about it to know that its effects are unpredictable. I also had read enough about grass to realize that it was no more dangerous than booze.

Because I had never smoked cigarettes, I was not used to inhaling smoke. So when I started to inhale marijuana, I coughed a lot. Everybody around me who was stoned thought this was hilarious, so I turned my coughing into a comedy routine to further amuse them.

For about two weeks, I could feel no effects. Then one day, it hit me. We were listening to music, and I heard some wonderful things about it that were not obvious to me before I got stoned. Also, even the most common things seemed funny or ridiculous (especially television commercials).

I smoked grass rather constantly for about a year. I never smoked it by myself, however, and almost always always made use of it it only when I was partying with other people I living with in the commune. (Among hippies, this was a social ceremony, though quite a bit less formal than the Japanese tea ceremony.) This was the happiest year of my life.

After leaving the commune, I would continue smoking it from time to time, but I was careful not to do it too often. Eventually I stopped it completely with no problem.

I have a friend who smokes it; and whenever I see her, I always smoke it with her. I haven't seen her for more than a year, however; so I haven't smoked it since the last time I saw her.

Like booze or any other intoxicant, you should be very careful not to overdo it. While it is hard to become addicted to it, some people eventually do become strung out on it. Also, marijuana smoke is as bad for your lungs as cigarette smoke is. Also, too much of it can damage your memory.

Now, whenever I come across some marijuana, I never smoke it. I give it to a neighbor of mine who has AIDS.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Call 911. The nice folks there will help you.

grow up.

That's illegal. I wouldn't suggest advertising your want for it on the Internet.

call this number: 911 and ask for this persons name: FBI

You get some friends

It's a controlled substance, and if people report you've been smoking it, you'll be charged with possession of a controlled substance. You can still get charged, even when you're high, but without the evidence.

It's not wise to just ask anyone either.

go to the airport and buy a one way ticket to Mexico.

Wow. You're an idiot. If you want to smoke pot, then what ever. I don't care. But to ask on the internet where to buy it? Thats just stupid.

It's illegal, so posting on the internet that you have the intentions to break the law, putting your self at risk of arrest, is just asking to get caught.

if you had a brain, you would observe and find out who at your school smokes pot, then ask them who they buy it from.

It took me 1 f'ing day to find out who smokes pot around me.
No thanks.

"Cannabis is a leaf. not a drug." --Arnold Schwarzteneggar.

It may be a leaf, but its one leaf that I won't burn.

Talking about something on the internet does not prove guilt. It can be used as evidence, but if it is the only evidence no court in this country will find you guilty. 1st amendment people, it still exists you know. Possesion is proof of guilt, talking about getting some doesn't prove possesion. I could claim I have coke, X, meth, and heroin, do I? No; can I get in trouble for saying I do? No; that would be a violation of the very principle of which our country was founded on.

The day talking about something over the internet is proof of guilt is the day we should just burn the Bill of Rights because we obviously lost or are going to lose all the rights in there.

As for the question:

Just look around you. Ask around about who smokes weed. Ask those who smoke weed if you can buy some from them. Pretty easy.

Go to the Netherlands. They sell it in the coffee shops there. The stuff is really good there too. You have to be 18 though.

Jamaica man, Jamaica!

Seriously though, befriend someone at school you know who smokes. Sooner or later they will offer you some.

Dude! yu've got disease!

dude.. you're dumb.

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