What Vitamins Can I take So I Don't Feel Cold?!

Question: all the time. We don't have a heater in our home. So can you recommend vitamins for me.

My hands, feet, bones are always cold. I have arthritis, too.

Answers: all the time. We don't have a heater in our home. So can you recommend vitamins for me.

My hands, feet, bones are always cold. I have arthritis, too.

Aside from rugging up and wearing warm clothing it would probably be a good idea to increase your circulation by eating more foods rich in magnesium ie ~ leafy and green vegies, ground up nuts and seeds, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines, whiting and salmon. Magnesium is essential for healthy nerves and muscle functioning and of course for heart health?

Magnesium will also ease any issues with constipation you may have and is known as the antistress mineral.

Foods rich in Vitamin E will improve your circulation also ie ~ wheat germ, cold pressed organic vegetable oils, nuts, leafy and green vegies, spinach, whole wheat, wholegrain cereals and eggs.

The herb Comfrey in the organic loose leaf variety has also been found to alleviate arthritis pain and liver and gallbladder conditions.

Good health to you & yours?


Thanx you buddy ........... :0)

have a nice day.

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  • aqua's Avatar by aqua
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  • i think ur best asking ur doctor

    btw u could use a hairdryer to warm ur hands & feet

    i personally think it would be irresponsible for anyone to recommend you any artificial vitamin supplements when we have no idea of ur medical history or ur family history. any allergies u have. any drugs ur on at the moment. what illnesses you have or are in ur family

    I would definitely recommend that you see a doctor. However, you may be anemic, meaning you have low iron levels which could be causing you to feel cold a lot. I would suggest you find some good iron pills and take them daily after you have eaten. If not, they will make you nauseated. Like I said before, your best bet is to see a doctor. I hope you feel better soon.

    Vitamins won't help. Wear sweaters, gloves, socks.

    Best "natural" treatment would be to install a heater.

    I suggest making ginger tea.You can use the tea bags if you must but it's soooo easy to make tea from ginger root. Simply buy some ginger root, cut it into small pieces, and boil the pieces for about 30 minutes. If it's too strong just dilute it with some water and if it's too weak boil it for more time or add more pieces of ginger root. It's delicious, spicy, and you will notice a warming sensation in your tummy. I drink mine iced and it still warms my stomach! It's great plain or with sugar and cream. It's soooo healthy and ginger's natural anit inflammatory proprieties may help your arthritis!

    my feet are freezing all the time take iron it helps alot

    Take some high quality cayenne powder or cayenne tincture, it will worm you up. It must be over 100,000 heat units ''HU'' to be effective. There is only one place I know of that sells high quality organic cayenne powder and tinctures that are 250,000 HU, and that is Herbdoc.com. If you put the cayenne powder in capsules be sure not to fill it more then half full, otherwise it will burn your stomach cause it's so hot if you over do it at one dose.

    Here is the site, scroll down to find the cayenne.

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