Does Lysol really contain Agent Orange?!

Question: someone told me that, is it true?

Answers: someone told me that, is it true?

Yes it does. Agent orange is nothing to joke about. I was exposed to it in Nam. We were clearing a thicket of bamboo along the Ho Chi Min Trail in the Poontang Province when a C-40 transport tanker accidently droped it's load off target, hitting myself and about 40 other soldiers. About six months later I noticed that my left foot was starting to grow unexpectedly. I was on R&R in Hawaii and stoped into a beach front shop to buy some sandals, I had to buy two pair, a size 10 for my right foot and a size 19 for my left foot. There is some good news though. Because of my freakishly large foot I received an early discharge from Uncle Sam. I was able to stay in Hawaii where I met my beautiful wife Kileakaluahmuhalihali Jones.
Aloha, amigo

No. Who told you that?

God bless!

i don't know but that would really suck because i've used it to sterelize my cuts when i was out of rubbing alcohol..

yes and that's why it tastes so good

Not all doctors are intelligent. Why the hell would a company put an herbicide into a disinfectant?

Lysol contains no agent orange. Agent orange is a mixture of halogenated herbicides and is highly poisonous. It degrades into compounds that are even more poisonous. No company would dare to put agent orange in a household product. They would be sued for millions before they even sold their second case.

Okay....what's agent orange???

Agent orange, also known as paraquat, is an extremely toxic halogenated organic phosphate that is poisonous to plants and animals alike. It can be absorbed transdermally and in humans it destroys the lungs.
Lysol, which is made from pine oil, does not contain Agent orange. To the best of my knowledge, the only commercially available product containing paraquat, was a spot weed killer wipe applicator that was taken off the market over 20 years ago.

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