I want to get taller?!

Question: but i was reading up on some human growth hormone possbilities. i dont want to inject synthetic hormones into my body with some side effects not to mention 25 dollars a shot 3 times a day. so i looked up some all natural pills. i found some and the key ingredient in it and the quailty of it is fine. but i wanna know if it will help me get taller. im 5'7 but i wanna get like idk 5 10.... would that pill help me get taller or just help me build muscle?

Answers: but i was reading up on some human growth hormone possbilities. i dont want to inject synthetic hormones into my body with some side effects not to mention 25 dollars a shot 3 times a day. so i looked up some all natural pills. i found some and the key ingredient in it and the quailty of it is fine. but i wanna know if it will help me get taller. im 5'7 but i wanna get like idk 5 10.... would that pill help me get taller or just help me build muscle?

im a chick and im 5'7".....go ahead and do it....if it makes you feel better than go for it...life is too short to contemplate something that could make you feel better =] good luck and have fun with itt

HGH stimulates the pitutary gland that affects the muscles and bones... Report It

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  • haydenhammo's Avatar by haydenha...
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  • if the tablets are all natural things its probably just vitamins and stuff they will never work as well as real steroids but i guess it would be alot more healthy but could also just be a scam since you don't list the active constituent

    dont smoke aswell it keeps you short

    HOW OLD ARE YOU?.. very important to tell us this. Do NOT take HGH if you are a teenager, don't start messing with your body while you are young as you may have adverse effects as you continue to grow and age! You can easily add an inch with good posture. Wear shoes with heels or thick soles if you're a guy.

    Growth pills will only help your DESTINED NORMAL growth so you don't really need them.

    HGH can only help you if you are actually deficient in HGH and you are still growing. If you were actually deficient in HGH, instead of being 5'7 you would probably be more like 4'7 or even shorter.

    There is no way to grow faster than your DESTINED NORMAL growth, no matter what you do or eat or drink, and people who believe otherwise probably believe in Santa Clause as well.

    Some athletes and bodybuilders take HGH for extra muscle mass and strength but they NEVER grow any taller.

    At the age of 20 you have probably reached your peak height but there is a glimmer of hope that you might grow a tiny bit more.

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