Whats the best way to recover from a hangover?!

Question: try n sleep as much as u can, eat lots of junk food lol n get back on it best cure allways works for me!!

Answers: try n sleep as much as u can, eat lots of junk food lol n get back on it best cure allways works for me!!

Get a pint down your neck it sorts the head

drink a lot of water

A nice fry up and lots of water!

This question's been asked before. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...

dont drink the night before cos there insn't a cure! despite what people say but i would recommend another drink.

fix urself a spicy mexican soup. or something spicy and soupy because it will seat out the toxins and releive you.

Anything with bananas, they contain serotonin, which inhibits feelings of sickness, generalises the overall mood of the body and helps speed recovery.

if you take two paracetamol before you go out and drink plenty of water during the night you shouldn't get a hangover works for me everytime.

Drink water and rest...thats the best way.

Before you go to bed, drink a whole glass of water and take an aspirin.

aint now best way..... it still takes 1 hour per drink to get through your body even thought it aint related and im assuming it will take the same ammount of time to recover from a hangover

sleep and drink lots of water before you go to bed

dont drink the night before

Lots of water, eggs, painkillers and time.

Plenty of liquids in the morning.
Try to stop drinking or take in such quantity that you may not have hangover at all.

Dont drink in first place lal
Drink plenty of water / if you have upset stomach with it take a mixture of egg and simi skimmed milk whisked together, drink down fast doesn't taste very nice

drink a pint of milk with 2 raw eggs in hmmm it really works

A good cup of strong sweet black coffee helps me fine.

well either drink more or smoke pot.. however those arent very good... just take some pain meds (legal) aka tylanol and sleep it off..

bananas as they contain potassium and sugar
washed down with a can of caffine coke

A hangover is nothing less than dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretics, which means it causes your body to urinate more, resulting is water loss. Your liver and kidneys need water to process the alcohol. If you have drink an amount of alcohol that severely depletes your body's source of water your kidneys and liver will have a very hard time excreting the alcohol in your system. The pounding headache you feel in the morning is the result of your brain actually pulling on the inside of your skull. Since your brain has lost water, it shrinks, causing it to pull on the ligaments that connect it to your skull.

Solution: For every glass of alcohol you drink, try to follow it with at least another of water. This should help fight the dehydration you feel in the morning.

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