If homeopathy works it should pass repeated double blind clinical trials... so why doesn't it?!

Question: Science works by repeated experimentation until the evidence is overwhelming.

Why can't homeopaths provide the proof that "western medicine" is expected to provide i.e. repeated double-blind experiments showing efficacy?

This is available for aspirin, paracetamol etc. etc. so why not homeopathic remedies?

If homeopathy is somehow too special & fantastic to pass double blind trials, can you explain why?


Answers: Science works by repeated experimentation until the evidence is overwhelming.

Why can't homeopaths provide the proof that "western medicine" is expected to provide i.e. repeated double-blind experiments showing efficacy?

This is available for aspirin, paracetamol etc. etc. so why not homeopathic remedies?

If homeopathy is somehow too special & fantastic to pass double blind trials, can you explain why?


It has been a pleasure to read these varied and thoughtful opinions. They haven't changed my mind, though.

Homeopathy is merely sympathetic magic. Water so diluted that it hasn't a single molecule of the original substance, but retains a memory of that substance? In a word: preposterous!

Remarkable what power there is in the placebo effect. What homeopathy proves is that the human body has the power to heal itself. All it takes is belief in an agent.

Because it is mental.

Some people want to believe in it, so it works for some things. Like headaches, bad backs, indegestion, even some cancers.

But no, it doesn't "actually" work.

I suspect this is because it has a placebo effect in that it works on the mind and not the body. I've never found it any good myself, and even things such as copper bracelets, which some people swear by, do diddly squat for me!

I don't know if homeopathy works or not, but I do know that the results of tests like that would really depend on who has instructed the tests to be done. At the end of the day there is big money in pharmaceuticals.
Aspirin doesn't 'work'. Ok so it eases headache or whatever, so could be said to work. But it doesn't cure the cause, just eases the symptom. Homeopathy is aimed at treating the cause rather than alleviating the symptom. If as much money went into homeopathic research as medicinal research, we might see different results.

Homoeopathy works only as a placebo effect, since the double blind trials are designed to weed out this effect, these treatments can never pass.

Did it occur to you that with the "Double blind clinical trials' you mention we only have the word of the so called "Respected" scientists and big pharma industries that are conducting and promoting them?? It is within their best interests to provide us with information that "solidly" backs only their "medicine".

Aspirin will effectively rob us of our B complex of vitamins ~ which we all know are so essential for a healthy digestive, neural and immune system ~ and aspirin will also rob us of Vitamins A (essential for keeping the outer layers of your tissues and organs healthy and for building resistance to respiratory infections), vitamin C, calcium (essential for bone health, neural functioning, healthy teeth and keeping your heart beating regularly!! important that one) and it will also deplete potassium supplies which assists in the elimination process and in sending oxygen to the brain?

You sound a little stressed hun, go take a warm bath with a few drops of pure essential lavender oil in it and inhale the rich steamy vapours and notice how much more relaxed you feel after 15 - 20 mintues?

The homeopathic remedy for anxiety is Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate). Any good homeopathic practitioner should be able to assist you buddy?

Good health to you & yours?


''scientific''medications kill hundreds of people each year,because of side effects and other problems...
yes it would be good to see homeopathy proven through trials-maybe it has been in some cases,otherwise some medical docors who prescribe it ,wouldnt.
Also could you trust scientific tests for homeopathy,as drugs companies would be involved and we all know they hate anything that is cheap and works-which would go against their profits-so they are bound to rubbish it anyway,with the help of doctors and scientists getting backhanders.

Have you had a go of Acupuncture ?.

Acupuncture has an extraordinary ability to transform people

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