What's the fastest way to cure a cold?!

Question: i heard that fasting and leaving your body to fight it and not overload the system with other things like digestion is the best way

Answers: i heard that fasting and leaving your body to fight it and not overload the system with other things like digestion is the best way

Put your feet up and snuggle into your blanket, drink gallons of water, a clove of garlic and lots of vit C! Lemon and ginger tea should help you feel a little less blocked up. Have a good steam over a bowl of hot water and a towel over your head.

rest will for sure help and also lots of liquids. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Zicam. It comes in many forms, and they all taste horrible. (Very sweet...) If you can get past the taste, it will clear up your cold in no time if taken as directed from the time you first notice symptoms.

Go to bed.
Think positive and eat plenty of Vit. C.
If you are prone to sneezes then I would suggest keeping warm and avoid air conditioning.

Just do rest in your bed and also lots of juices. Hope you are feeling better soon.

by drinking plenty of water........ and fruits that is rich in vitamin c.

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