Does anyone out there know what I can do about this problem?!

Question: Lately I'm finding myself easily distracted. It's getting harder and harder to concentrate, to really focus on what I'm doing and stay in the here and now. I've seen my doctor about it, and he says it's stress, but he hasn't given me anything for it or really told me what I can do about it. Is there some natural cure, like an herbal remedy or something, that will help me with my stress, but more importantly, allow me to focus?

Answers: Lately I'm finding myself easily distracted. It's getting harder and harder to concentrate, to really focus on what I'm doing and stay in the here and now. I've seen my doctor about it, and he says it's stress, but he hasn't given me anything for it or really told me what I can do about it. Is there some natural cure, like an herbal remedy or something, that will help me with my stress, but more importantly, allow me to focus?

Everyone's got great answers!
hot, green tea will help you out in several ways:
hot liquids will calm your stomach,
green tea has good, beneficial enzymes that will sooth your stomach and help w/ digestion, and
just the smell of the hot green tea will help w/ relieving stress.
If you're taking meds for whatever problems, they may have side effects, like poor concentration, fatigue, drowsiness, poor digestion, gas, increased anxiety, increased BP, ect.
Another idea is that you may have hypothyroidism (low amounts of thyroid). It causes:
thinning eyebrows, hair loss, fatigue, poor concentration, poor circulation, anxiety, insomnia, amongst other side effects.
To test for hypothyroidism, get a saliva test (DO NOT GET THE BLOOD TEST- it will give you your T4 (inactive thyroid) levels.) The T4 is inactive because it's wrapped up in proteins, rendering it inactive, and unusable to your body.
Check out (spam-free website for a Dr. Howard Hagglund, a naturapath that treats hypothyroidism), along w/ hypothyroidism, and
Hope this helps you w/ your problems.
All the best to you.

Sam-e at the drug store.

It sounds like you possibly could have a touch of ADD. However you said this is only a new thing so maybe it is just stress or something bothering you, you may not be aware of. There is an over the counter herb type medication called believe it or not.... Fish Oil. They are these huge honker pills, but they stimulate the brain and it can help you focus if you take 2-3 a day. We just got it at Walmart. I've also heard that peppermints supposively trigger the brain as well if you suck on them during a task that needs focus. Try those things... if they don't work you might want to plea with the doctor on ADD testing.

Slow down with the soda and candy. Maybe that will help.

I have the same problem. I drink some Chamomile Tea or Lemon Honey. That usually does the trick.
Try to stay away from Decaffeinated teas because they will only worsen the problem.
Also try some pills founds at a natural store like "Williams" in California. They are called Kaba Kaba. what they do is relax your body but be alert.

Things like this is usually taken care of naturally. You need to look at your daily do's. What kind of schedule do you have on a day to day basis. If you work, and go to school, have children to attend to or maybe even care for a sick one. These are the kinds of things in life that stresses us. Just relax. Someone said to me once... take 15 minutes out of each day and find a spot where you can place your feet up and just do nothing. Sit there and relax.... 15 minutes, everyday. I think this will work for you. At least this will be a start.. Find a book that you like.. and read before going to bed at night. I find that this helps me a great deal. Find someone that you can call during the day.. just to talk. This can help relieve tention too. Or have a few friends over , make some tea and just share things that you all have done during the course of the day. This is ver theraputic. And my favorite is , get a note pad and write ! each day write in this journal because writing is like talking to another person. And believe me it helps me out alot. I think you are going to be fine... Just relax.. you'll stay focus soon enough and get back on track the way you need to be.

I am supplying you with a link to a website. There is a natural health supplement that scientific studies have been done on recently evidencing that it helps with your exact issues.

There is a video you can watch and links to helpful resources.

Best wishes,

You could try ginko baloba, get it at the health food store. if you are stressed out do stretching exercises!! take deep breaths alot!!

deep breathing helps a lot. Try for 5 minutes in the beginning and later on you can go upto 15 minutes.
There is a ayurvedic tablet called Medhavati which is very useful if taken as per advice of the doctor. Contact

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