Does anyone have any natural sleep remedies? I have got to get some sleep.?!

Question: 2 part chamomile, 3 parts rose hips or petals or both, 1 part mint. as warm tea!

Answers: 2 part chamomile, 3 parts rose hips or petals or both, 1 part mint. as warm tea!

Hard work does it for me.Is that natural enough?

caffiene free tea or something warm and soothing before bed.
maybe listening to music will help you.....

Things that I use to make me sleepy include, milk, calcium tablets, magnesium tablets, turkey, warm shower, sleepy time tea, antihistimine, camomile tea, and exercise earlier in the day, dimming the lights and a fan running nearby.

put a few drops of lavander oil on your pillow, or put some drops in a bath befor bed, what about camomile tea too ?

Go to the sleep category of and see what products have worked for people. They do not sell anything there but do rate different products.

do a search in same category for this question topic-someone else asked almost exactly the same thing (so see, I've now given you many answers in a way! : )
try warm milk, relaxing music, and a book you like but not a page-turner. DON'T look at a clock; it will distract and depress you. have a ritual. warm baths help many.

Lettuce is a sedative.

So try lettuce juice or lettuce soup about 30 mins - 1 hour before bed.


No one's mentioned valerian root. Take two hits and call me in the morning.

not to be a perv. however,solo sex always does it

nyquil or melatonin vitamins

Horlicks helps in some cases and a web search for horlicks + sleep will tell you more.

Melatonin! It works.

If you are still having trouble, try taking 2 tsp of pure, organic apple cider vinegar 3 x per day mixed with 1/4 tsp baking soda and a little warm water. It's kind of yucky tasting but it works like a charm after 1-2 weeks of doing it regularly. It also improves overall energy and mood.

The Yoga Pranayam (breathing exercises) will relax you and help with sleep problem.These exercises help the body to work on the underlying problem and help to keep the body healthy.When the body's software starts to work well, it will make you sleep, so that it can continue to do body maintenance work in the night. You will see the benefits in a few days.
Build up your timing gradually. If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute.

Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose. Duration upto 5 minutes.

Anulom Vilom

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