Feeling sick....remedies?!

Question: hi does anybody know of any way to stop feeling sick? any home remedies or tablets??? any help would be great thnx x

Answers: hi does anybody know of any way to stop feeling sick? any home remedies or tablets??? any help would be great thnx x

There are many kinds of sick - which kind?

For starters:
Nausea - ginger tea - 1/4 tsp of the spice with 1/2 tsp honey in a cup of hot water.
Vomitting - nothing but clear liquids, none with artificial or refined sugars. EmergenC is okay, but pure water is best. NO food until it has been 2 hours since last vomiting. If you are continuously vomiting, try adding some sea salt, about 1/4 tsp or so, to your water. Do not guzzle. Small drinks often.
Cold, cough - mullein tea with hone
Sore throat - gargle with a dilution of 10 drops grapefruit seed extract in 6 oz of water. Swallow

There would be many more, but that's a start on the variety. More info about actual symptoms might yield a bit more focussed answer. Hope you are feeling better soon. I'll try to check back.

Exercise is the key.

Chicken noodle soup always takes the edge off.


goto sleap

eat soup

chicken noodle soup really does help! so does ginger ale because ginger settles the stomach! best wishes

Ginger is the best thing for feeling sick. Try grated ginger in a little hot water. If you don't like the taste you can buy ginger capsules from the health shop

doc always said, take some parecetomol and nibble on arrow root biscuits, or try a digestive they also work.

Ginger is good, try ginger biscuits. How come your feeling sick? Do you know what could be causing it?

Have a fried egg sandwich - it will take away any dodgy feeling in your stomach.

why are you feeling sick? are you pregnant are you suffering from IBS are you hungover.. it really depends on what is wrong with you to identify a remedy..

if its IBS find out what causes it.. with me its too much coffee and bread

if its pregnancy try small portions of dry toast or rich tea biscuits something like that

if its a hangover try water water and plenty of water with 2 paracetamol lots of vitamin C is a must.. orange juice ect...

here is a link to a great web site. they are alternative health and herbs remedies. You just e-mail them the description of your ailments and they write back to recommend which herbs you should be taking...they have herb tinctures that really work. hope you are feeling much better...

imagine swimming in cold milk whilst drinking milk

You may not be sick. You may be depressed. Try getting
a pet or take a walk or go shopping. Their are different
types of depression. You could have a chemical or an
emotional problem. Go to your DR. and get a complete
workup. Hang in there.

Try a teaspoon of Bi carbonated Soda mixed into something that won't make you feel nauseous, like plain yogurt or honey.

sound to me like you have an STI go see your doctor as soon as possible before the disease is spread to others.
Good luck.

Weleda Melissa Comp

two eggs blended with a half cup of milk and a hint of cinnamon!!! sounds gross!!! but works great!

here is an awesome site that i use for alternative medicine

You may want to drink a boost of vitamin C or echinacea. If you're looking for specific remedies, check out http://www.realhomeremedies.com . Hope you feel better!

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