Mood and niacin?!

Question: I know that there are reports saying that megadoses of niacin can function as an antidepressant/antipsychotic. I also think I've read this is done by Scientologists (which I know makes it an extremely touchy subject). I'm not advocating it - I don't know anything about it - but I'm curious. Has anyone experienced benefits from megadoses of niacin? Did you take C to counterbalance the liver effects?

Answers: I know that there are reports saying that megadoses of niacin can function as an antidepressant/antipsychotic. I also think I've read this is done by Scientologists (which I know makes it an extremely touchy subject). I'm not advocating it - I don't know anything about it - but I'm curious. Has anyone experienced benefits from megadoses of niacin? Did you take C to counterbalance the liver effects?

It's possible that it might do it..... but most people couldn't handle the flushing effect that comes from it. Some people can't handle the flush from 100 mg, not many can handle the flush from a straight 500 mg dose, and I can't imagine how hot and red most anyone would get from taking a higher dose than that. Personally, I wouldn't dare try it, especially since there are so many other natural mood support products that are MUCH easier to use with basically no negative effects. LMK if you'd like a list of them.

I take megadoses of niacin every day for cholesterol control ... I can't take any 'statins' because even the mildest cause extreme 'muscle pain' and I can't MOVE ... I don't take any extra vitamin C, but I do eat citrus fruit most days (at least 3 'tangerines' usually, or even a lemon or lime) ... and I do notice that my mood is 'better' when I take niacin and never thought about that 'side effect' since my doctor has me on many medicines to get me 'healthier' ...
There are two 'bad thing' about taking niacin ... it does have an effect on the liver function, and it also causes 'extreme flushes' ... my doctor has me take an aspirin 1/2 hour before I take my niacin to keep from 'flushing' and he checks my liver every 3-6 months. Whether niacin can help some people with clinical depression or not, I don't know ... it may help 'lift the spirits' enough to stop people who are just 'down' a bit, but may not do any good for a 'clinical depression' ... and I doubt that Scientology is a good 'medical background' to use ... I suggest that you talk to your doctor, and see if he thinks you should try 'megadoses' of niacin ... I take 2500 mg a day, 1000 in the morning and 1500 in the evening because it works best to 'scrub the cholesterol out' at night when we sleep ... I do know that I sleep BETTER with niacin than without, probably because it 'cleans my veins' so that the 'relaxing' teas I drink can work better. Whatever. Talk to your doctor before you try this, and take 'regular' niacin, not 'slo niacin' because the 'slo niacin' can hurt the liver much faster and be far worse in the end.

You can use 250 mg of niacinamide once or twice a day to get rid of Shigella, a fungus which is said to be found in the brains of all schizofrenics.

Even better is Alpha Liponic Acid that does the same (or a combo). Within 6 days you feel better.

I did not notice any bad effects from megadosing niacinamide..

I did not know Scientologists used this method and find it interesting.


Just remember that high doses of Niacine can wreck your liver...only use it if an MD prescribes it, and make sure they test your liver finction often if you do take it.

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