Should the FDA should regulate herbal medicine? Please list your sources.?!

Question: I have to do a research project and i needed to choose a controversial issue. So the main question is, should the FDA regulate herbal medicine? Please be detailed and give your sources.

Answers: I have to do a research project and i needed to choose a controversial issue. So the main question is, should the FDA regulate herbal medicine? Please be detailed and give your sources.

With everything controversial, there is always multiple sides, and often there are unforeseen outcomes if anything majorly changed.

For the one side, if they were regulated, doctors would probably have to write prescriptions for herbs. If you couldn't afford to see a doctor, you couldn't get a simple bottle of Ginseng (or possibly Vitamin C, if it came to that).
For the other side, since they aren't currently regulated, some people think they are potentially contaminated. Along the same lines, any Tom, Dick, or Harry can sell their own herbs that actually COULD be contaminated with any variety of things (which is why you should only buy from a company with good quality).

Like I said, there are potential problems with either way, but as it is, people know what to expect and how to avoid problems. If it changed, there would be new problems that we would have to adapt to.
I've had multiple customers that have worried about this happening.... so I had to think about what would happen ;-)

Don't regulate-legalize it!

NO ,NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!! it's just pathetic.

um... if its not regulated. there is not a law that states what it said is in the bottle has to be in the bottle. I know from actual drs that did studies that they proved there was other things in the pills they ran tests on than what the bottle said there was

No, they should not. They can't even regulate the pharma corps. There was a story a few weeks ago on 60 Minutes regarding a drug that was causing renal failure (made by Bayer) and it was fully reported by independent stuies that this drug is causing death, yet the FDA has YET to remove the drug from the market. I guess the death rate has not reached a high enough percentage for the FDA to take action. But, if you go to 60 Minutes web page and find the article, you will find compelling reasons for alternative medicine NOT to be regulated by the FDA. They admit their shortcomings right in that article. Below is the link to the story. Good luck.

Some of the answers posted seem to want the government to take the responsibility of researching and approving their medications. People need to really start taking responsibility for their own actions. Research a company on your own, call them, ask questions...READ THE LABLES!

They should not regulate it as they can't regulate the regular drugs in the market that causes severe side effects and death. The lobbyist would just buy them off like they are doing now with pharma drugs. The gov. already got their hands into too many things and are not doing a very good job.
Prices would increase and the pharma cos. would fight it. Too much government is not good; next thing you know, they'll be telling us what, when & how to eat.

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