<--------whats the best natural laxative? :)?!

Question: whats the best natural product for someone who is constipated. whats the deal on castor oil how do you take that?

Answers: whats the best natural product for someone who is constipated. whats the deal on castor oil how do you take that?

Casteroil is a natural laxative from time in memorial in India but modern Docters are not suggesting the age old phenomena. any how plese follow ,drinkinig lot of water ia day. Take plenty of fibre rich green leafy vegetablesw vegetables,and fresh juicy fruites regularly. Keep drinking water in a copper vessel during night time and drink the same at the morning. Daily do Yoga especially 'Sankha Prakshalana' a set of yogic postures which help in flushingout the wastw from the bowels.Do this under the valuble guidance of a Yoga Instructer. Take one teaspoon of 'Thriphala', an Ayurvedic preparation,with luke worm water at bed time which cures constipation besides Gastric trouble,and respiratory troubles. Follow Natural enema under the supervision of a Naturopath. Avoid tension thinking. For more details contact drrkrao_reiki@yahoo.co.in

Karo syrup, prunes, some type of roughage like cabbage, collard greens or turnip greens; if you are eating a lot of processed foods or take out, your not getting enough roughage to help move the bile out of your system!


Lots of Guinness.

Coffee works like a charm!


Prunes, eat 4 or 5.

Raw baby carrots. Lots of them. They're like little intestinal brooms.

My oldest daughter was BORN constipated...honest. LOL
And her DR finally found the best thing after we tried Castoria, and the whole nine everything else, she was being treated at Louisiana , Dayton Childrens and Cincinnati Childrens...for Biliary Atresia and this constipation....

he said ANYTHING with a P


Fruit OR Veggies

and you know what!?? IT WORKED like a faucet!!!

Mineral oil

my friends 5star chili works! There's great suggestions before me, the castor, kayo syrup (taken by spoonfuls) all the P's that can be added to your diet, dont forget those take time to work and must be part of a daily routine not a quick fix. I, myself, use drops from the healthfood store called Stress Relief. 5 drops under my tongue before bed and i'm good to go in the morning along with a good nite's sleep. Hint.. It also helps arthritis and TMJ pain AND works on my BP. 3 birds~1 stone for $17.95.

chololate ones lol

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