Herbs to increase circulation?!

Question: I always have cold hands and feet.

I have taken ginger, cayenne, butchers broom, horse chestnut and ginko.....any other suggestions?

my sweetie is tired of the heating pad at the end of the bed....

PS - its because I'm so skinny (Marfans syndrome)

Answers: I always have cold hands and feet.

I have taken ginger, cayenne, butchers broom, horse chestnut and ginko.....any other suggestions?

my sweetie is tired of the heating pad at the end of the bed....

PS - its because I'm so skinny (Marfans syndrome)

For poor circulation, walking, swimming or other forms of exercise will improve it.

It would probably be a good idea to increase your circulation by eating more foods rich in magnesium ie ~ leafy and green vegies, ground up nuts and seeds, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines, whiting and salmon. Magnesium is essential for healthy nerves and muscle functioning and of course for heart health?

Magnesium will also ease any issues with constipation you may have by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy thus aiding in digestion. It is also known as the antistress mineral.

Foods rich in Vitamin E will improve your circulation also ie ~ wheat germ, cold pressed organic vegetable oils, nuts, leafy and green vegies, spinach, whole wheat, wholegrain cereals and eggs.

Good health to you & yours?


I have to wonder how long you took any of the above herbs? All of them work quite well, over time...must be taken 2-3 times per day for a while. The other option for circulatory issues is hot and cold therapy...alternating (for example) your hands in a basin of hot (not to burn you, but hot as you can stand) water for about 3 min, then putting them in cold water for about 3 min and back to the hot etc...doing this about 8 times (each) per session. AGAIN with any therapy...this must be done consistantly for a while...can do the same with feet - must be done daily and at least 2x per day. Personally I wouldn't give up on the herbs either....and possibly try a cayenne ointment or cream rub as well, topically. Be careful not to get in eyes!

Pycnogenol (pine bark extract) might be worth looking into.

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