19 year old girl needs help with concentration/focus?!

Question: I have problems with concentration...I am in my first year of college, and have a hard time focusing on school work. Are there any ways, other then Adderall or concerta and the like, to improve my concentration? i have been on the prescribed stimulants that are available, but they make me extremely agitated so I stopped taking them. Any ideas on how to improve my concentration? Also, does caffeine help focus?

Answers: I have problems with concentration...I am in my first year of college, and have a hard time focusing on school work. Are there any ways, other then Adderall or concerta and the like, to improve my concentration? i have been on the prescribed stimulants that are available, but they make me extremely agitated so I stopped taking them. Any ideas on how to improve my concentration? Also, does caffeine help focus?

if you're in college, & this is the first time that concentration is a problem, it probably isn't ADD.

You may just have a lot on your mind. When we "have too much on our plate", our brain just starts shutting off some things... randomly ! -- which is not real convenient ! (lol !)

Assess how you learn best, & use that. For example: If you need quiet, & your dorm is a noisy one, study at the library . If you can't focus when you're physically uncomfortable, dress in comfortable clothes & seek out a place where the temperature won't distract you.

believe it or not, allergies can zap a person's focus or memory. If you're exposed to mold, that can be a problem.

& no, caffeine doesn't help you focus. Reishi mushrooms will, though; it's legal, over-the-counter, natural, & can be used long-term without bad side effects.

Please visit www.paidtoshop.unfranchise, they have some natural science based products that may assist you.

Hit the health food store... the preparation is called "Holy Basil"... I like the stuff made by New Chapter. It will assist in concentration and take the cloud off of you.

You don't need any more stimulants.
You need good quality sleep... New Chapter makes something else called "Tranquil Nite" that helps you sleep well.

Stay away from the caffeine and sugar.
Eat protein for long-lasting energy... raw nuts (almonds, pecans, filberts, walnuts) or eggs are great. Cheese is good if you are not allergic (messes with your sinuses). If you still need some sugar, eat raisins or an apple... something real.

start 'yoga' exercises specially breathing (called 'pranayam'). increases not only concentration, yoga throws out toxins from the body, opens pores and breathes in fresh air and thus providing oxygen to purify blood, gives your entire body freshness, clears your thinking thus making u alert and agile, healthy

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