Why is there prescription ibuprofen and over the counter ibuprofen?!

Question: i mean why the hell is there a prescription for something that is open to the public...

Answers: i mean why the hell is there a prescription for something that is open to the public...

When the FDA ruled on ibuprofen's OTC status, they stated the under 200 mg pain relief dose was safe for self care. The high anti-inflammatory doses were ruled unsafe for self care. As a result, the old 300 mg ibuprofen Rx dose was discontinued and the 200 mg OTC ibuprofen dose was introduced. Ibuprofen has major side effects and is not good for people with many diseases. It is one of the most dangerous OTC drugs. In many countries, ibuprofen is a behind the counter medication.

if you buy it on prescription you pay top price. if you buy it over the counter you save money. the drug companies wont complain they make money either way.

Over the counter comes in 200mg strength only. Prescription dose is 400, 600 even 800mg.

over the counter ibuprofen has a limit of 1200mg (i think) and prescription has 2000mg. obviously the doses are different. also, prescription ibuprofen has different instructions and limits as to what it can be used for rather than otc ibuprofen.
basicallly prescription is a higher dose.

I never understood this either. So if you are prescribed 1000 mg of it, why can't you take 5 200 mg caplets. I have done this, works fine. Unless it really is a stronger strength? Could irritate the stomach though.

Because of malpractice insurance for doctors. You can safely take 200mg of ibuprofen every 4-6 hours IF you don't have a history of or pre-existing condition of liver,stomach, kidney or bleeding disorders. A doctor should only prescribe you a higher dose if these factors are ruled out. My doctor won't fill a higher dose rx of ibuprofen for me because she knows that I have been taking high doses of it, and naproxen for years, and have had pre ulcer symptoms. She won't be responsible if my liver or kidneys start to 'act up' from taking them.

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