What makes synthetic drugs dangerous?!

Question: What makes synthetic drugs dangerous is their purity. Think about it. Sure, you could go out and harvest a crop of say, opium poppies, maybe good stuff. However, in a lab, you could produce 100% purity, with deadly results, as no one would be used to that type of strength.

Answers: What makes synthetic drugs dangerous is their purity. Think about it. Sure, you could go out and harvest a crop of say, opium poppies, maybe good stuff. However, in a lab, you could produce 100% purity, with deadly results, as no one would be used to that type of strength.


FYI: Refining Coccaine or Opium is not the same thing as pharmaceutical patented drugs. They are so pure they become dangerous and deadly but is not the same thing as the drug patenting process like taking pregnant horse urine (PREMARIN) and then moving an oxygen molecule to another position so that you can patent and own it.

This synthetic hormone has and still is making billions of dollars off of gullible women while it builds in the subcutaneous tissues wreaking havoc on bones and heart while causing cancer.

Your body does not utilize synthetics the same way as natural or whole food molecules.

To patent a drug, you have to first kill half the lab animals to establish a toxic half life or LD50, which stands for Lethal Dose 50%.

Then, you test it on college students or people willing to get paid to do double blind placebo testing. Glucose is a known sugar for better brain function and focus, so its little wonder that the placebo works, too.

They also test their drugs on terminal patients or those with no known medical cure.

They call it a success if they manage to stretch a life for three more months with cancer who is living more miserably on the new chemo treatment compared to other patients in their study who died sooner with less suffering.

They abandon other studies where the success rate is much more promissing because its deemed "not economically feasable."

I see these studies on Medline and NIH government web sites and they are there for the public to see.

This atrocity is for real, because they'd rather make more money on a treatment rather than a cure.

See "The Cost of Being Sick by economist and medical equipment designer, Nicholas Webb.

Then, if they do get side affects that are sometimes worse than the benefit, they hide the data, pay insiders in the FDA to rubber stamp their approval, get it out to the public with an ongoing campaign to "Ask your doctor" because the pharmaceuticals own the media and the consequences reveal themselves to the public.

Known cases where drugs have killed more people after it has been prescribed in mass can be sited pages long.

Cases like VIOXX, Phen Fen, certain Statins, Hormone Replacement Therapies and the most recent US court case that conceded that an ingredient in vaccines did and do cause Autism this last month...

All these drugs cause the very diseases or lethal side affects or death that they promote they are supposed to prevent.

Why does this happen? Firstly, its an economic issue, but most importantly,its the way our cells, tissues and organs are designed.

Because the body has its own intelligence and has a symbiotic relationship with plants to heal itself. It does not recognize synthetics as food and synthetics are always toxic and always will be toxic.

Synthetic drugs leave nutritional deficiencies in their wake. They build in the subcutanious tissue. They cause toxic build up. They stress the liver. They shut down the functioning of one organ by supressing its function for hormones.

A great web site is http://www.naturesfoodpatch.com and you click on Reference Library and then drugs are listed in alphabetical order with what nutritional deficiencies they cause.

Most drugs are anti inflammatory steroids of many varieties. They are enzyme inhibitors and more often than not, disintegrate bone, joints, and your cardiovascular system. Enzymes rejuvenate new youthful tissues and to inhibit them by masking symptoms is lethal.

Just the simple product like over the counter Tylenol or its known generic can be lethal.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the third leading cause of death is medical mistakes from "properly" prescribed drugs which is costing us more than diabetes and heart care combined.

In affect, this revolving door of disability and death is causing our insurance rates to become like a second mortgage.

The solution? Instead of asking the government to continue paying for this revolving door of death for free drugs, why not create affordable insurance by paying for holistic alternative health care and integrate it into medicine?

Thus, less dependency on drugs, increased health, which drives insurance costs down, and saving our economy lots of money.

Morale goes up in the work place.

More productivity.

Economically feasible.

There is nothing alternative about alternative medicine. It works, its real, and is here to stay.

A bit more information would help with a more precise answer, but most drugs extract a single aspect of a chemical or something that was from nature. The idea itself sounds good... the part that gives the benefit without all the extra stuff.... but the problem is that anything in nature that gives benefits (herbs or whatever) have more than just one constituent in each of them and some of those other constituents help to balance out each other. The reason that's a problem is that without the balance, the single constituent causes all sorts of other problems (being side effects, which are common with all drugs), which is another reason why "properly prescribed drugs" is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

As one example, Red Yeast Rice is a natural product that has naturally occurring Statins in it. The drug companies saw how well the Statins helped Cholesterol, so they patented Statin drugs. The problem is, without the other constituents in Red Yeast Rice, the Statins alone caused all sorts of side effects while Red Yeast Rice is mostly free of side-effects (except allergies to the Statins, which is the common reaction of muscle pain/weakness).
There are many other examples of drugs that have more side effects than needed, but you get the idea.

Synthetic drugs are cut with something to stretch out the quantity in order to make them more affordable to customers and to get more money. The problem may be that whatever is used to cut the drug may actually be worse than the drug itself. Taking drugs is harmful enough, not to mention illegal. But, if the drug is cut with something, it may cause a worse reaction in you body which could lead to death. I'm not trying to scare you but, I'd be concerned about taking any illegal drug even if you think you can beat the law.
This is not to be confused with generic drugs in prescriptions. Quite often, there is a generic form of the prescription drug that works just as effectively and costs way less. They are guaranteed safe and they can only be purchased by prescription so they are legal.

The danger is that a synthetic drug can become toxic to the human body over time. This occurs because of it's size. Its too large for the human cell to use and too large for the body to eliminate it and this results in a build-up of toxins.
For example lets take calcium carbonate as an example. This is a synthetic supplement. Studies have been done on this supplement and only 40% can be used by the body while the remaining 60% remains inside you and floats around. The body does not have the proper enzyme capabilities to break the remaining calcium down to a smaller size and expel it from the human body. So if you continure to take a synthetic drug it will continue acclumlate inside of you.

first off, just about everything anyone has said so far is incorrect.

anything that has active pharmaceutical properites can and probably will have side effects, whether it is natural or synthetic. it doesnt matter if a chemical is from nature or if it is man made, what matters is how it interacts with the body. when used correctly, the benefits should outweigh the risks otherwise it would be pointless to take it. the problem is overuse and incorrect use of prescription drugs

most herbs are safe because they do little or nothing, not because they are natural. but that also means they are less likely to have benefits

red rice yeast for instance does have statin-like compounds in it. however, from what ive heard a standard dose is equivalent to about 5-10mg of simvistatin (prescribed doses are typically 20-80mg/day. people reading this, dont dose yourself off that estimate) since its a low dose youre just less likely to have side effects. and the muscle pain/weakness is called rhabdomyolysis, its breakdown of your muscles in which the extra protein floating around damages your kidneys if you dont discontinue the drug. its not an allergy its just a bad adverse reaction... and it could probably happen with red rice yeast as well if you had a higher dose.

Anything not natural is dangerous.

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