Weed, honestly...?!

Question: How horrible can pot really be if it's prescribed to people with some of the most debilitating diseases, and it eases their pain. No one has died of a pot overdose...and it makes you smile and laugh, and relax - (aren't these the things people enjoy) If somone came out with a pill called "whatever" and it provided these benefits wouldn't people consider it a miracle drug?

Answers: How horrible can pot really be if it's prescribed to people with some of the most debilitating diseases, and it eases their pain. No one has died of a pot overdose...and it makes you smile and laugh, and relax - (aren't these the things people enjoy) If somone came out with a pill called "whatever" and it provided these benefits wouldn't people consider it a miracle drug?

Well, the pharmaceutical companies make oodles of $$$ off of medications prescribed for most of the same things that smoking pot would alleviate.

But the lobbyists, that are in the pockets of politicians, aren't about to give up the cash cow of prescribed (and often toxic!) drugs to allow people to smoke something they could grow for free.

Also, the same places that put out the "study information" are only going to release the negative results of the tests, not the positive ones, therefore creating alarm and stigma to those who smoke it.

Cigarette smoking is the same, they're not going to release the scientific PROOF that tobacco isn't as harmful as they are trying to dupe the public into believing!

I've been a long-time advocate of the legalization of marijuana. Some people would argue that if it was legalized that more folks would smoke it, not true. At least people would have that choice and option then. Some might also say that it's a "gateway" drug for harder substances. That's another bullsh*t fable. I know many, MANY people who have smoked weed for a great number of years and would NEVER touch anything harder.

As a matter of fact, yesterday I had posted a question as to why alcohol is legal (being far more dangerous AND accessible to children and even glorified) and marijuana is not. I'm sure there have been unfortunate mishaps with someone that is stoned, but not nearly as close as the catastrophes created by booze. The Exxon oil spill in Alaska is a prime example. Captain Hazelwood was DRUNK and couldn't navigate the tanker through Prine William Sound so he handed the helm over to a less experienced navigator and WHAM! Part of our planet was horribly damaged...thanks to a legal and highly accessible substance. Thousands of people die every year in DUI related accidents. Domestic violence is no doubt made worse because of drinking and it can give you incredibly awful diseases.

Most fights you see happen because liquor has been thrown into the mix. People that are high don't generally want to fight.

I would think other than the VERY FEW cases of marijuana causing bad things to happen that the only real thing in jeopardy when someone is stoned is the remote control and the fridge!

It's all about the propaganda being fed to the mindless sheep ready to jump on any bandwagon that comes down the pike so they can protest and stir the sh*tpot without even knowing facts. They simply rely on what they have been told without seeking the viewpoint from the other side. In my experience, there's ALWAYS two sides to everything and people that aimlessly and mindlessly follow just ONE side are ignorant and don't know what they're talking about. I mean, how can you know what you're talking about and hold a sound argument or debate WITHOUT knowing both sides???

Probably because they've been drinking.

I don't see anything extremely wrong with it, and think it should be legal. But, it *may* cause personal issues. Basically, other people just want to control other people's lives, like gay marriage, hich I don't think is necessarily right, but it's THEIR CHOICE. By the way, I'm just a kid, don't take my opinions seriously -_-

you are my new best friend. the only reason it was made illegal in the first place was because a bigot with an agenda was given a position of power over the restrictions of drugs. Even if weed was illegal, it shouldn't be classified with Heroin and Crack. It's not addictive and they're have been no proven negative effects from it. It's the most amazing thing in the world.

Yeah ok i'm not saying people shouldn't use it because that would be hypocritical of me, but it also causes parania and mentel health problems exspecially if taken regularly in your teens. People do use it casually like drinking a glass of wine in the evening but it does affects your brain and if you take "soft" drugs it can lead to taking harder drugs.

sort of like saying Ritalin or Xanax should be fine cause you can get them with a prescription.
The difference is in the prescription for medicinal purposes vs a pot head smoking his brains out.

Just because something is used to treat a debilitating disease doesn't mean it's healthy for recreational usage. Chemotherapy, anyone?

I do agree that it's mostly harmless; more so than cigarettes and alcohol. As long as you don't NEED it to smile, laugh, and relax, I don't see a problem. Pathetically enough, a lot of people do manage to screw their lives up with or starting with weed.

i agree with you weed is great!!!

i've been chronically ill since the age of five. lots of debilitating problems. several years ago, my neurologist put me on marinol and to my amazement it helped me deal with the pain, the seizures, the anxiety, the nausea, spasms....i could go on and on. long story short, my new insurance will not under any circumstances allow me to have it this year. they also took away another medication i need desperately to function. thanks for posting this question. sometimes, things just plain suck.

let me qualify that - they would cover it if i was on chemotherapy. thankfully, i don't have cancer. if it were covered, the copay would be 228 dollar a month which i can't afford anyway.


**** pot is the stuff.... It can be used almost any way you can think of. and you use the whole plant except the seeds and like its eases pain. whenever you got a headache just smoke alittle and it feels so good its not bad to you the only thing it opens up doors and leads you to know ppl that can get you going in the wrong direction if you don't pay attention ps Speicla brownies are the stuff their worth the cost

I fully support legalization with tax money going to eradicate cocaine. Serious about that.

its illegal because people think it is a "gateway" drug and leads to other drug use. It was once legal in 1937 and was used as a the main source of makin hemp materials.

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