IS smoking marijuana as equally bad for you as cigarettes or tabacco?!

Question: or is it less damaging? Any useful links will br greatly appreciated.

Answers: or is it less damaging? Any useful links will br greatly appreciated.

Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. It fails to inflict the types of serious health consequences these two legal drugs cause. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose.

One of the reasons that marijuana is less toxic is that there is NO nicotine in marijuana. There is also no added chemicals in marijuana because it is processed and packaged by individuals rather than a corporation. Though some tampering occurs (spiking) occasionally when buying the smallest quantities, it is rare.

The smoke of both tobacco and marijuana do share some similarities, but it is the same similarities shared by smoke from firewood. Tobacco tends to penetrate to the smaller, peripheral passageways of the lungs, marijuana tends to concentrate on the larger, central passageways, and marijuana does not cause emphysema. An increased risk of cancer was found with increasing tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and decreased income but not cannabis use.

Water filtration can be effective in removing components from marijuana smoke that are known toxicants, while allowing the THC to pass through relatively intact. The effectiveness of toxicant removal is related to the smoke's water contact area. those who use a water pipe suffer far less damage to the alveola.

Unlike tobacco, marijuana also has medical applications. These include pain relief -- particularly of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) -- nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant, specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. Emerging research suggests that marijuana's medicinal properties may protect the body against some types of malignant tumors and are neuroprotective.

Currently, more than 60 U.S. and international health organizations support granting patients immediate legal access to medicinal marijuana under a physician's supervision. No health organization supports tobacco use.


many people think it is more damaging then cigarettes but personally i think it is less. There is nore tar or nicotine in weed, and you dont have to go to a 7-11 to buy it. It is still addictive like cigarettes but in a better way. People who smoke cigs, get cancer people who smoke weed get hungry! its a trade off!

iv smoked marijuana everyday for a year and iv learned that smoking a joint(a rolled marijuana) is like smoking like 7 cigaretts or more im sure is more but i dont know exacly

marijuana is thicker and more sticky

It has alot more tar than cigarette. So for your lungs, its very much worse than cigarette

a cig is far more dangerous due to the amount of additives in them. New studies are showing that MJ can slow or even stop some forms of cancer ( brain and breast ).

im sureeeee you've heard from adults and people who have never smoked pot before, that it is bad for you.
marijuana is actually not as bad for you as people make it seem.
the big problem with pot, is that it is a gateway drug, big time.
not addictive to most people (not all, but most) and it is actually alot safer then cigarettes.
most people smoke cigarettes to help them relax,
well i say smoke a bowl instead!

the only reason marijuana is not legal, is because something about taxes on the marijuana? im not too sure about that.

okay think of it this way,
you're more likely to get addicted to sugar, caffine, and sex, before you get addicted to marijuana.

google "deaths from marijuana overdoses"
good luck finding any convincing stories.

It has been proven to prevent and treat brain tumors prevent Alzheimer's although it can be more irritating to the lungs due to prolonged holding of the smoke. On the whole it is about the safest recreation and in some cases medical drug there is.

With a question like this you are going to get biased answers. The people who have never smoked pot are going to say Yes!!! The people who smoke it all the time are going to say No!!
I have smoked it, but don't touch it anymore. Here is what I know;
Cigarettes and Marijuana can both cause lung cancer from inhaling it. Depending on the way u smoke pot, it can be inhaled at a greater force than just a cigarette.
- Yes marijuana has been proved to be good for some things like eye sight etc, but this should be used for medicinal reasons prescribed by a doctor, not smoked. Breathing anything into your lungs is bad.
- Marijuana (hydroponic) has chemicals sprayed on it. It is no longer a "herb"
- Marijuana has tar in it too, its sticky also.
- Cigarettes have chemicals in them also.
- I am not saying that marijuana causes mental illness, but I am saying it can cause mental illness. If skitzophrenia is in the family or another mental illness, it can bring it on and make it worse, just like any other drug.
- Marijuana can lead to memory loss

I was smarter before i ever touched that stuff.

I'd say they are both as bad as each other. But it is hard to find the truthful facts online sometimes. A lot of articles about pot are written by people who have scientifically looked into the drug but haven't tried it themselves and have said a lot of false information.

This is a debateable subject and many people will disagree with me.

Both are equally harmful for you and the people around you.

It's much worse than tobacco, however since no long term pot smokers smoke the equivalent of one or more packs a day, as tobacco smokers often do, it doesn't look like it's as dangerous.

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