Is it ok combine vitamins (centriom forte) with alcohol?!

Question: I am about to combine drinking and using vitamin. I have to take these multivitamins, but I want also drink alcohol. Can I combine two, is it will be dangerous?

Answers: I am about to combine drinking and using vitamin. I have to take these multivitamins, but I want also drink alcohol. Can I combine two, is it will be dangerous?

It isn't dangerous, but you will negate many of the vitamins and minerals included in the pill. Alcohol screws up B vitamin absorption, and if you smoke, that dumps all of the vitamin C out. Not to mention the dehydration that occurs with alcohol consumption. So skip the vitamin (why waste it?), go to the party, and take the vitamin the next day with about a gallon of water. Have fun, and DON'T DRIVE!!!!

yes it is ok...............

Yes it will void some of the vitamins with alcohol , but if your going to drink anyways, why not try to get drinks with real fruit juices in them.
If your just tiring to get drunk take two aspirins approx. thirty minutes before the first drink. The aspirin knocks down the natural enzymes that break down the alcohol allowing the alcohol to reach the blood stream Quicker.

take your vitamin with breakfast and have your glass of wine at big deal.....

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