Can LSD or shrooms cause a permanent trip?!

Question: Ok, for all of you ignorant people out there, don't answer this question without any good sources or proof to back up your answer. I know that LSD and shrooms can cause psychotic problems in people with history of psychosis and stuff, but other than that does a trip still last around 8-12 hours? Once again, please people, I want answers from people who actually have sources or such to back up their information. There are a lot of myths out there about LSD.

Answers: Ok, for all of you ignorant people out there, don't answer this question without any good sources or proof to back up your answer. I know that LSD and shrooms can cause psychotic problems in people with history of psychosis and stuff, but other than that does a trip still last around 8-12 hours? Once again, please people, I want answers from people who actually have sources or such to back up their information. There are a lot of myths out there about LSD.

LSD lasts for 12-14 hours and causes lots of interesting sensory effects, but you don't get any more detatched from reality as you increase the dose. It only makes the visual and auditory effects more elaborate.
Psylocybin (magic mushrooms) give you a trip that lasts for about 6 hours and will take you further away from reality as you increase the dosage. While it's impossible overdose physically, you can go into a hypnotic state where you have no connection at all to your surroundings.
Neither one causes a "permanent trip" but a strong dose of 'shrooms can make you wonder if you'll ever return to the farm!

In my youth I had taken more than my fair share of Lsd. 8-12 hours is correct. I stopped at a certain point or age or out grew the need or whatever. I knew this other kid who kept over using (read-mega dosing) and when I saw him several years later he had definitely developed problems. He was unable to string together a sentence and his thoughts had become incoherent. I was really glad I quit it when I did. I think this is an extreme case as we were taking large amounts(20 or more hits over a short period of time). This is a potentially dangerous drug to take if you are unsure of the source or are in an uncomfortable atmosphere. Feel free to email me with any further questions.

I took LSD a few times back in the 70's and to this day I occasionally still have "flashbacks" from it. Like I'll be looking at a tile floor and all of a sudden it seems to turn into a river and starts moving. It usually passes quickly, but it can be quite scary.

PS. I HAVE had a permant reaction from Versed though...I can honestly say that this drug made me the basket case that I am today..severe anxiety, depression, chronic memory loss etc. Doctors like to give this evil drug to patients unknowingly so they won't remember medical procedures....alot of people end up with permanant brain damage and severe anxiety and depression from it.

This is so weird, I was just explaining to my son 13 and his buddy 14 about lsd and mushrooms earlier .Ok here goes, I grew up in the 80's(born in 1967) I have done pretty much every drug around back then, but the acid we came across was nothing like the glorified stereotype of the Timothy Leary quality. , pretty much just laughing so hard that our jaws hurt from that weird tight jaw stretch thing. I believe we were just getting a homemade strychnine which is poison, and a speed mixture. But thing is, sure if you come across something somewhat lsd(good luck) your questions may be about how long is the trip. But remember ,with recipes on the internet nowadays who knows who actually conjured up this magic batch? . It could be very dangerous. The main concern with mushrooms is there are poisonous mushrooms ,so who's to know if this entrepreneur who is bringing this trip to you, didn't just pick some mushrooms they found growing in their backyard? Occasional trips usually dont cause permanent trips, but who really knows what trip they are actually getting? It might be one totally different than the one you had reservations for.

my source being personal experience....

i did mushrooms plenty a few yers ago...

and sometimes i get little times where it feels like they're still in my system.
i'll be working or something, then suddenly I'll get visual perception change... like things are wiggly and jelly, or things change size/shape.

Normally, no. For casual users, no.

However, there can be repercussions to tripping too much. There is a disorder called Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, which is thought to occur when a person takes a hallucinogenic substance too often, although it is sort of ambiguous on what is too often and what exactly causes and affects this disorder. This disorder, even, is not necessarily PERMANENT, but long-term at the least.

Read here for more info:

EDIT: Also, because of the person who said "good luck" on finding real LSD...That is why there are testing kits available, and you should never be stupid enough to ingest a substance without absolutely knowing for certain what it is. And, I'd also like to mention, since the person in the first answer seems to think that you can "overdose" somehow on it....You cannot overdose on LSD OR shrooms. There are NO deaths caused by the chemicals in either of those drugs, only by the actions that they can cause, which is why its always important to have a sitter if you're an unexperienced tripper.

From personal experience I have tried both plenty of times to understand their effects and have noticed a semi lasting effect.
Every once in a while if I'm focusing on something too long I have noticed a slight "flashback" to drugged memories.
Its awesome

Personnel research on this subject and seeing it first hand.
Most people who have take it all jump up to say they are fine.Nothing permanent has happen to them. This is not true, in most cases that I have seen. Some have what is called false memories. This is where they have problems sorting what really happen and what they believed has happen.
Almost every one that I have known that has experiment with these have problems with conversations either the words they are tiring to say are not there or are the wrong words being used. My point of reference is little children that can carry a conversation better then most of the clinical experimenters out there. Not not saying that the mushrooms and other drugs did it all to them , it was just the ground works that muddeled thier minds .

Ummm no, there is no such thing as a permanent trip...

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