If we put homeopathic remedies in the water supply would we be able to cure everyone of everything?!

Question: Ha ha. I like your thinking.

First of all, the answer's NO, not everything, even if the homeopaths are right. Their claim would only be that the remedies would cure those few conditions that homeopathy claims to cure.

However, your main point is right: if homeopaths' claim that an infinitissimaly small dose of an active ingredient is actually more effective than a proper dose, then the best way to dilute it would be putting a small amount in the water supply. Needless to say, I reckon they're talking rubbish and the experiment you suggest would show this up for what it is.

Ironically, this experiment would not even yield the (minimal) benefits that homeopathic treatments actually have - these benefits tend to come from the placebo effect people experience when they feel that they are being 'treated' and 'medicated'. Plus the warm, cosy, friendly environment of a homeopath's office can enhance this effect.

I predict that homeopaths will be split in their answers to this question. 'Genuine' (ie deluded) homeopaths will say that this experiment would work (since it should do according to homeopathic principles). Any homeopaths who say it would not work (and who no doubt would come up with a spurious reason as to why not) will be those who know that all they're doing is providing a placebo effect (absent in the experiement) and are therefore out and out frauds.

The sooner we start treating homeopaths like the conmen (and women) they are, the better. If a doctor gave someone a placebo telling them it was real medicine they'd be struck off.

Answers: Ha ha. I like your thinking.

First of all, the answer's NO, not everything, even if the homeopaths are right. Their claim would only be that the remedies would cure those few conditions that homeopathy claims to cure.

However, your main point is right: if homeopaths' claim that an infinitissimaly small dose of an active ingredient is actually more effective than a proper dose, then the best way to dilute it would be putting a small amount in the water supply. Needless to say, I reckon they're talking rubbish and the experiment you suggest would show this up for what it is.

Ironically, this experiment would not even yield the (minimal) benefits that homeopathic treatments actually have - these benefits tend to come from the placebo effect people experience when they feel that they are being 'treated' and 'medicated'. Plus the warm, cosy, friendly environment of a homeopath's office can enhance this effect.

I predict that homeopaths will be split in their answers to this question. 'Genuine' (ie deluded) homeopaths will say that this experiment would work (since it should do according to homeopathic principles). Any homeopaths who say it would not work (and who no doubt would come up with a spurious reason as to why not) will be those who know that all they're doing is providing a placebo effect (absent in the experiement) and are therefore out and out frauds.

The sooner we start treating homeopaths like the conmen (and women) they are, the better. If a doctor gave someone a placebo telling them it was real medicine they'd be struck off.

Even if we weren't all suffering from anything? I don't even want fluoride in my water.

No. Firstly because most of them are BS, and secondly because of the concentrations you'd need to put into "the water supply" before they'd even be noticeable.

If you adjusted the question to "what if we forced everybody to take homeopathic remedies at their proper concentration, purity, and freshness, would we be able to cure everyone of everything?", the answer would still be NO.

Seeing as there is nothing in the "remedies", apart from a few atoms (if you are lucky) of the preperation, it would make zero difference.

As the treatments are very specific to each person, each symptom, that altruistic approach does not help! (a good thought , though!)

I'm a very big fan of homeopathic remedies and accupuncture, cupping, ear bleeding, massage, etc. I think you have an EXCELLENT idea.

No, it would not cure everyone of everything. Although homeopathic remedies are natural, so is aspirin (comes from willow bark originally), and too much aspirin will definitely hurt, some people more than others. Homeopathy is a science, and should be utilized as carefully as any prescription from the medical doctor. People with high blood pressure can't take many herbal remedies, though some remedies can actually help.

First and far most...In homeopathic mediciane you must determine the cause of illness. Some herbs and plant counter react with each other. Other when combined become toxic. Some strenght weaknesses and others weaken the weak area's even more.
You also have to take into consideration what other possible meds or foods are being taken as well.


Nice to see you block accounts from people that you don't like contradicting your very narrow view on things.
Its obvious you don't actually want to properly contribute to a questions and answers section if you try and censor the answers.
Yeah, you can really handle and adult discussion can't you....

Ah well it only takes a few minutes to create a new account.

PS. are you sure your name isn't Kalos Orisate you use exactly the same tactics.

Absolutely...no more sickness or disease. WOW ! Let's do it now.

Tsk Tsk Kalos.....
You've now blocked Altmed friends so i couldn't reply. I can't reply under my regular account either.

You haven't blocked me cos I'm "pro -Quackery" as you put it, you blocked me because I made a lot of trouble for you when you used another account and you constatly made comments about other therapies which were misleading and negative (which Yahoo has since deleted....).
Only a matter of time before that happens again if you keep pushing your luck.
You know who I am......

Hey it only takes a couple of minutes to create another account.

Ps. Do you have a life? personally I've got much better things to do than trol the boards.....

......Healing the sick is my favourite passtime. maybe you should learn how to and try it. You might find it rewarding.

Sam Harvey: All of us have got jobs because people get sick and ill. Don't forget that.

Actually, what would be better is put highly oxygenated water in the water supply. That for sure would start healing people at a monumental rate. Disease can't live in an oxygen rich environment.

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