What is the best energy supplement?!

Question: pills, drinks, or sprays? Any specific product? I know I should go to bed earluier for more energy but late evening is when the good shows come on like George Lopez. I usually go to bed between 11-12 and wake up around 7 for school.

Answers: pills, drinks, or sprays? Any specific product? I know I should go to bed earluier for more energy but late evening is when the good shows come on like George Lopez. I usually go to bed between 11-12 and wake up around 7 for school.

B-12, ginseng and royal jelly are all good.

The best thing is if you can take a quick nap when you get home from school. Go on and watch George Lopez. Stick with a tried and true energy enhancer if you really need it. Coffee or Cola. Or caffeine in pill form if you must.

The overpriced, nasty tasting substances will take their toll in the long run. I work the graveyard shift and see firsthand what happens to people who guzzle down all that crap. They go crazy then crash. One guy has something wrong with his liver.

If you're waking up at 7AM for school, you shouldn't be taking energy supplements or taking too much caffeine... they can actually do damage to a developing body and alter your development, not to mention damaging some organs if you use energy boosters (or sleeping pills) long-term.
Also, if you don't have a full sleep cycle at night, your body will have too hard of a time adjusting, even if you take a nap later to "make up for it" (which really doesn't work if it's several hours before or afterward).... you'll probably end up falling asleep in school most days if you try that.

If you want to watch the shows on really late night, just record them and watch them the next day. I've had to do that for several things throughout the years when I either wasn't awake or wasn't home when it was on. Most VCRs and digital recorders have a "time-record" option where you can set it to record a program at a certain time. Ask your parents if you can use the VCR/recorder if you don't have one of your own... I doubt they'll have a problem with George Lopez ;-)

I find the green's products from genuine health gives me a lot of energy

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