Will powdered salvia work?!

Question: Hey today my friend bought this stuff called "purple sticky salvia" but its not a bud its a little bottle and the salvia is some sort of powder so we laced our weed with it and smoked a few bowls but we didnt see much effect i even drove fine plus i know its real because we got it at a smoke shop... but does this stuff work? and if so how do i get it to work?

Answers: Hey today my friend bought this stuff called "purple sticky salvia" but its not a bud its a little bottle and the salvia is some sort of powder so we laced our weed with it and smoked a few bowls but we didnt see much effect i even drove fine plus i know its real because we got it at a smoke shop... but does this stuff work? and if so how do i get it to work?

I have bought that before. But depends on the extract level you got. They vary from 5x to 40x and sometimes even stronger. Depending on how strong the extract is, dictates how much will get you super high.

The high will not take minutes to kick in. The high will take SECONDS to kick in.

The high will not last for hours like weed does. The high lasts for 5-6 minutes and then BOOM, you're back to reality.

If you smoked some salvia and started driving, you never got high from the salvia in the first place, or else you wouldn't be able to function very well. Remember, it takes seconds for it to occur.

It's nice to put it in with some weed first or else the powder can easily go through the pipes hole and that would be a waste, so good idea using it with bud.

You're supposed to not hit bowls of the stuff, one medium-large (depends on the extract strength) bowl hit ALL AT ONCE (yes, all at once) is what you need to do.

For this reason using a water-pipe is recommended. Plus some people use butane-torches as the flame is much hotter and salvia's burning point is stronger. Again, a water-pipe is recommended to cool the smoke if you use a torch. A regular pipe may be very harsh.

This is not a drug that you smoke and pass the pipe around with casually. It is something you should do all at once for yourself, and have your friend "baby sit" you for those 5 minutes that you will trip out (and laugh your *** off maybe! hehe). Then you will be OK again and your friend should do it while you watch him.

If your friend tries a large bowl and succeeds at getting high, and you are watching him... if he gets high enough, he may trip out so hard that he may not be able to respond to you anymore and just stare into the ground as if he's brain dead. Don't freak out! This is normal!!! Don't try to move him around, don't try to get his attention, or make him stand or anything like that, he's OK. He's just thinking so much or experience so much that he can't respond to you. So just relax and let him enjoy his trip.

So anyway, I hope this helps man. Have fun!

Stop doing drugs ya dumbf***.

omg ok salvia isn't illegal you can buy it at hooka or tobacco shops if your 18+ and salvia basically unlocks your brain its amazing.
weed shouldnt even be illegal it's not as harmful to you as alcohol

oh and you shouldnt lace weed with it just smoke it by itself and make sure you do it and have someone watching you who's straight. it terrifying but really is so beneficial to you if only it wasn't so expensive.

OK first off DONT DRIVE ON THE STUFF!!!!!!!second.pack a bowel of it and hit like you would(the green stuff) purple sticky is one of the best brands out there so depending what strength extract it is your in for a ride.it doesn't last long but trust me you don't want it too.make sure you are sitting down in a nice calm place cuz the trip is usually strong enough to pull you from reallity.

get the extract it is way stronger and youll have a way better halucinogenic effect, ive tried it both ways. the straight leaves dont have much of an effect on thier own

i had some of that same stuff before i laced some with weed and i felt nothing from the salvia just the weed. then i tried just smoking the salvia by itself out of a bong and that made me trip but i would not recomend driving after smoking salvia i think driving after smoking weed is fine

I don't like it much. I buy shamanic salvia instead: http://www.Salvia.md another even crazier one is at the cult website: http://www.SalviaCult.com I also do a lot of Kratom and LOVE IT! http://www.Kratom.md

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