What is the fastest working medicine to get rid of migraine??!

Question: I have LOTS of personal experience with migraines. As you can see by the variety in your answers, everyone is different when it comes to what helps their migraines. Very often a prescription for migraine medication to help stop a migraine once it has stopped works for many people (and yes, works quickly). Examples of these are Imitrex, Zomig, Relpax, and there are many more (I've had success with all three of these).

Be careful about taking Excedrin products because they do have caffeine. Caffeine is kind of on the fence when it comes to migraines. It is a very common migraine trigger. However, for some a small amount of caffeine can help a migraine. Unfortunately, if you don't know your triggers and you ingest caffeine in an attempt to stop a migraine if it is one of your triggers and you don't know it you are making your migraine a lot worse, not better. In my opinion, a lot better to stay on the side of caution and caffeine-free until you know what your triggers are.

Answers: I have LOTS of personal experience with migraines. As you can see by the variety in your answers, everyone is different when it comes to what helps their migraines. Very often a prescription for migraine medication to help stop a migraine once it has stopped works for many people (and yes, works quickly). Examples of these are Imitrex, Zomig, Relpax, and there are many more (I've had success with all three of these).

Be careful about taking Excedrin products because they do have caffeine. Caffeine is kind of on the fence when it comes to migraines. It is a very common migraine trigger. However, for some a small amount of caffeine can help a migraine. Unfortunately, if you don't know your triggers and you ingest caffeine in an attempt to stop a migraine if it is one of your triggers and you don't know it you are making your migraine a lot worse, not better. In my opinion, a lot better to stay on the side of caution and caffeine-free until you know what your triggers are.

I usually don't use medicine for my migraines, but I find that caffeine helps. Try Excedrin, that contains caffeine for migraines.

Excederin. Twenty minutes and quiet, you'll be fine. It's the only thing that works for me.

Prescribed! Well it depends is this new for you? If so try Excedrin. Other wise go see a Doctor!

excedrin tension migraine thats about the only thing that has ever worked for me


Identify and eliminate your migraine triggers.

Try biofeedback or relaxation training to help you cope with stress.

Drink at least 48 ounces of water a day and exercise regularly.

Certain foods and beverages - especially those containing compounds known as amines - are notorious migraine triggers. If you're a migraine sufferer, try to avoid the following: aged cheeses, onions, pickles, cured meats, red wine, beer, sour cream, nuts, freshly baked yeast products, eggs, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and caffeinated drinks. Although chocolate is often implicated as a migraine trigger, some new studies indicate that this connection may be a misconception.

Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, may help prevent migraines. Omega-3s seem to alter blood chemicals, reducing the risk of blood vessel spasms associated with migraines.

prescribed medicine-imotrex- and that's after trying a lot of stuff that's out there. TO keep the headaches from coming on if you are one of those that get a lot of serious ones like me, speak to one of your doctors about taking topermax. It is amazing at keeping you from getting migraines.

It's always been known that caffeine is good for migraines, so a cup or 2 of coffee can help as can the drug caffergot, which is basically just caffeine in a pill

on the homeopathic side there is feverfew which works for some people in getting rid of their headaches

A small spoonful of umeboshi paste or a whole umeboshi plum does the trick for me.

The fastest working medicine is not necessarily the best as it is only a short term temporary cure that does not prevent recurrences.

What you need is a remedy that prevents recurrences and magnesium helps in that regard in some cases.

immitrex. you have to get an rx for this one.

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