Could you suggest me some names of a Sleeping pills?!

Question: if you are having trouble sleeping, I reccomend melatonin. You only need the smallest bit and it knocks you right out.

It is olso very safe. I took this for almost a whole year in elemntary school. This is because it is all natural.

Your body produces this special sleep stuff and this pill is exactly that.

You do not need a perscription. I think you can get it at Walgreens, Target, or Walmart. But I am 99% sure Walgreens is your best bet.


Answers: if you are having trouble sleeping, I reccomend melatonin. You only need the smallest bit and it knocks you right out.

It is olso very safe. I took this for almost a whole year in elemntary school. This is because it is all natural.

Your body produces this special sleep stuff and this pill is exactly that.

You do not need a perscription. I think you can get it at Walgreens, Target, or Walmart. But I am 99% sure Walgreens is your best bet.


All sleeping pills are habit forming and a bad idea. I have personally known several people who ended up going through severe depressions after getting hooked on taking cold and allergy medicines to get to sleep.
They lives are basically screwed.
Never get hooked on sleeping medications, prescription or otherwise.


Valerian Root
Passiflora Extract

I DO NOT recommend Unisom. They make you feel hungover and crappy the next day. Sorry, don't have any real recommendations.

if u want an anti-depressant.....i read bout prozac i wud advise some proffessional help......

Hi, I am a former insomniac. I personally use 5HTP 1 hr before bedtime, it raises the seratonin levels in the brain, helping you to chill. I also use Valerian root- it is a sedative and you won't wake up with a hangover like other sleeping pills. I highly recommend.

I use zopiclone if I am desperate but try not rely on them. As the others so rightly say, they are easily habit forming.

why are u in to this pills, are u addict to some drugs,
pls try to pray God and ask, peacefully so that God helps who are in help,ask him he will helpu , God is alone he will give all relief, to every one in our universe, believe me i was also like u, now before going to sleep i pray 1st kalima and sleep, sound sleep dear, morning body feel light .pray to god and bow to him.

Don't go for over the counter sleeping pills, u will get addicted. Go naturally and try home remedies.
-Take a glass of milk, sweetened with honey (with or without a pinch of nutmeg) every night half an hour before bedtime.
-Take a hot bath or shower at bedtime which will promote sound sleep.
-Practice relaxation exercises shortly before bedtime.
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