Will my surgeon prescribe medical marijuana?!

Question: i had surgery for a hernia and now have constant pain in the region. I cant take percocet anymore i cant stand the feeling and i panic. and everything else hasnt worked. the only time the pain is really reduced is when i get high? can i talk to him about is it a possibility? i live in washington so i know its legal

Answers: i had surgery for a hernia and now have constant pain in the region. I cant take percocet anymore i cant stand the feeling and i panic. and everything else hasnt worked. the only time the pain is really reduced is when i get high? can i talk to him about is it a possibility? i live in washington so i know its legal

Look on the very back on an issue of the 'The Stranger'. They ALWAYS have a doctor's clinic 'willing and compassionate' to help those in need.

I hope you get the help you need and you're pain is truly diminished.

If it's legal where you are, and you think it can help you, why not? You might need to ask your general care physician instead of your surgeon, though.

Ask him. The worst thing he can say is no. Or he may direct you to someone who can.

Probably not, but most dealers do not require prescriptions.

Smoking marijuana isn't legal, but you can get a drug called Marinol that has the TSH in it that marijuana does. If it's a long-term pain you may be better off trying Duragesic patches or something. Talk with you surgeon...if he/she can't help they will direct you to a pain doc who can. ~~~GOOD LUCK!!~~~

I thought medical mj was only for people who have conditions like cancer, AIDS (life threatening), not those who live with chronic pain. If you're nervous about asking your doctor, find a mj medicinal clinic and ask them first your state's requirements.

I doubt it... not enough money in it for hospital.

yes you probably could just talk to him about it doctors are perscribing maeical marijuana alot more these days hopefully they will just eventually legalize it but i once saw on the news about medical marijuana that a lady got perscribed medical marijuana just because she said her feet hurt when she wore high heels so i dont see why you couldnt.

Good Luck

It's worth asking but typically you have to have a debilitating or terminal illness. There is a plethora of other pain meds that you can be prescribed.

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