Would you get sick if you ate your own poop???!

Question: or is it good for you?
is there nutrients in it?

can it make you sick?

Answers: or is it good for you?
is there nutrients in it?

can it make you sick?

First of all, the E. coli virus is caused by ingestion of feces particles. There was an outbreak of E. Coli several months ago. Several died and many got seriously ill, so I don't reccomend trying it.

Second of all, why would you want to? Is this in regards to the 2 Girls One Cup Youtube video?

Yes it's waste and it's not made to eat..

mhm..that's a really disgusting question. but yes you would get sick. There are no nutrients in our poop that's why it is flushed out in the first place...it's waste. Your body will throw it back up if you do attemp to eat your own feces.

Uhh, yeah, it would definitely make you sick. There's no nutrients, it's what's left after the body absorbs the nutrients out of your food.

If you want nutrients, go to your local health food store and pcik up a bottle of multi-vitamins.

Why would you even consider it? That's just sick.

If you can get it down without barfing your stomach up then no. Poop is the stuff your body cant digest and waste all rolled into 1. Ick but thats nasty regardless. ;P

Yes, I do beleive so. Your body makes new red blood cells all the time. Its called hematopoeisis and your red bone marrow is responsible for the production of blood. The brownish color of your "poop" is caused by dead red blood cells. No there is no nutrients in it. As your body digests food all the nutrients are absorbed whats left over is waste. Human Feces is actually really bad it can causes lots of sicknesses

Jeepers man, ever listen to the news? where do you think E. Coli comes from? Human waste contamination of food.

Feces facilitates bacteria, thus is not sterile like urine, thus is not safe to reingest...

Ellleeee, your own brain should tell you the answer to this question.
Why waste your time to even ponder it?

If it was any good someone would bottle it and sell it and I suppose someone would buy it!

Good grief Ellleeee! Go to Bed!

Can people eat feces?
In: Health

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Yes. Consumption of urine is called urophagia and it is perfectly safe. Coprophagia, the consumption of feces, on the other hand, can be dangerous for humans. Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, pneumonia, and influenza vaccinations are generally recommended for those who engage in this practice. Even consuming one's own feces potentially involves risk, as the bowel bacteria and eggs of parasitic worms are not safe to ingest.

Coprophagia is most often the result of coprophilia, the attraction to the smell, taste, texture or sights and sounds of the act of defecation as a means of sexual arousal and gratification. A common slang term for this is scat sex.

Shigella, campylobacter, salmonella and E.coli are four bacteria commonly present in fecal matter. These bacteria, along with parasites like amebas and giardia, can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, bloody stools, fever, nausea and vomiting. The viruses Hepatitis A and E may also be transmitted through contact with fecal matter. There are very few cases of Hepatitis E in the United States, but almost half a million people contract Hepatitis A every year (though not always through scat play). Symptoms of Hepatitis A are very similar to the ones listed for the bacterial infections, and may also include jaundice, itchiness in parts of the body, and may cause enzymes in the liver to reach critical levels in the body. Relapses may also occur six months to a year after the first symptoms show up. All three types of infections can occur even without eating any scat. If one's mouth, nose, or any orifice or open cuts or sores touches something that has had contact with the feces (such as kissing an unwashed hand after using the bathroom), then it is possible for s/he to become infected as well.

Who knows, but without any condiments it would probably taste a little bland. Make sure you add some ketchup or mustard.

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