Drunken personality change?!

Question: My friend, his girlfriend, and myself were drinking at my house and he had more than he should.He fell to the floor, started speaking with an Austrailian accent (thats where he was born)and became violent.He got up screaming saying how we dont mean anything to him and he also called his girlfriend a good for nothing *****.Shoved her onto the floor and then threw a chess table I had set up across the room.He then swung at me and missed.He then swung again and hit me in the back of the skull.I took him down onto the ground and put him in a headlock trying to get him to calm down but he was still acting like someone ive never met.What happend to him?Will he act like this everytime he gets drunk?Could this have anything to do with what he drank?Such as a reaction of some type?If you can answer any of these questions I would be very appreciative.
Thank You.

Answers: My friend, his girlfriend, and myself were drinking at my house and he had more than he should.He fell to the floor, started speaking with an Austrailian accent (thats where he was born)and became violent.He got up screaming saying how we dont mean anything to him and he also called his girlfriend a good for nothing *****.Shoved her onto the floor and then threw a chess table I had set up across the room.He then swung at me and missed.He then swung again and hit me in the back of the skull.I took him down onto the ground and put him in a headlock trying to get him to calm down but he was still acting like someone ive never met.What happend to him?Will he act like this everytime he gets drunk?Could this have anything to do with what he drank?Such as a reaction of some type?If you can answer any of these questions I would be very appreciative.
Thank You.

Yikes !! you weren't drinking rum per chance were you ?? Rum used to do that to my husband many years ago........... totally changed his persona and made him insanely violent ?

Also, perhaps this is an early warning sign that his body simply can't tolerate alcohol ? Does he remember any of his behaviour the next day?? If not, then he's drinking to black out stage ie ~ coming to the next morning rather than waking up and passing out after drinking heavily rather than falling asleep ...................... Alcoholism is a disease and the only way to cure it is total abstinence, looks like your buddy has a problem with the demon drink and these are the early warning signs.............. could possibly have been a particular chemical in the alcohol you were drinking ?

i'm a recovered alcoholic ............ best ball and chain i ever got rid of ?

hope i helped a bit ?


my pleasure buddy ......... have a nice day... :0)

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  • happygaelicman's Avatar by happygae...
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  • It is time for your friend to quit drinking. I did almost 30 years ago. i had slightly similar experiences

    Some people act that way when their drunk. That's why I don't drink :)

    Thats funny, i too get an Australian and/or British accent(either depending on the situation) when I drink, but i'm not from Australia or GB. I really don't try to, and i don't notice until someone tells me, it's really funny afterwords though. I'm not sure what causes these types of things in people, the alcohol obviously but further than that i don't know. About the getting angry, i tend to get more violent, i think this is because i become more 'confident' in myself i tend to be more reckless and what not. this may be the case with your friend, who becomes over confident, and guys like us who tend to be rough may tend to go overboard when intoxicated. idk if that helps, hopefully it does. Peace

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