Certoli Cells Only?!

Question: In my testicular biopsy the report says (No. Sperms )
Certoli cells only. Age 35.

What is the solution to be a father

Answers: In my testicular biopsy the report says (No. Sperms )
Certoli cells only. Age 35.

What is the solution to be a father

This is an ever growing problem in America today. You are not alone. In fact, 17% of ALL American males are infertile. This has not always been the case. In 1940, the average male in the U.S. had 166 million sperm /dl. In 1990, the number reduced to 66 million /dl. It is now predicted that by 2015, the average male will have only 5 million sperm /dl. By the year 2050, the count will be ZERO. This is a straight line curve that basically shows that nature is eliminating us from the gene pool.

Why is this happening? Over 60,000 chemicals have been added to the food supply in the last 100 years. Vegetable oils have replaced good quality fats. Cows are grain fed in feed lots, not grass fed on ranges. Foods are processed with preservatives like aspartame and synthetic ascorbic acid that are damaging our DNA. Food look-a-likes sold in Mausoleums where dead food is held in state (so called "super markets") in pretty packages to look like they are good for you, but are nothing more than dead food that do not nourish the body.

Basically, the food industry has destroyed our food supply. Now genetic engineering is creating a monster problem that will accelerate the problems, ALL IN THE NAME OF PROFIT, not HEALTH.

Then to "fix" the problem, the drug industry now controls the medical doctors and further complicate the issues with so called "scientific studies" that are nothing more than BIG MONEY funding studies that generate results to sell more garbage.

I suggest you change your diet, find a Certified Nutritional Therapist that can test you to see what you are deficient in and then recommend a good diet and some good supplements. The body is an incredible thing, but if you don't give it what it needs, it will not be well.

The alternative is to adopt.

good luck to you

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