What is an air enema?!

Question: Intussusception is a relatively frequent finding in infants and toddlers. It is a telescoping of part of the intestine into itself, and is very painful. The condition is suspected by the severe pain, and an x-ray of the abdomen can make the diagnosis more suspect. The classic way of reducing the intussusception short of surgery was by performing a barium enema under fluoroscopy. Using hydrostatic pressure of no more than three feet of water, the intussusception usually gradually reduces.

More recently, just air pumped gently into the rectum has been used to reduce the obstruction. It works well.

Answers: Intussusception is a relatively frequent finding in infants and toddlers. It is a telescoping of part of the intestine into itself, and is very painful. The condition is suspected by the severe pain, and an x-ray of the abdomen can make the diagnosis more suspect. The classic way of reducing the intussusception short of surgery was by performing a barium enema under fluoroscopy. Using hydrostatic pressure of no more than three feet of water, the intussusception usually gradually reduces.

More recently, just air pumped gently into the rectum has been used to reduce the obstruction. It works well.

you really have to ask?

Sounds like a very bad idea. Basically, you pump your ******** full of air, then effectively fart it out, taking a load of feces with it.

its when u get carbon dioxide pumped up ur ***

I don't think it's a real enema. It's for inflating the large gut so that you can do x-rays of the gut better. I can't imagine what else it could be used for.

probably a large fart in reverse.

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