Cure a liver cancer with ALOE ?!

Question: a woman, mother of my friends, has liver cancer; doctors say she has only two months life.
Please: ever heard of curing liver cancer with ALOE ARBORESCENS ? any positive results ? which recipe ?

Answers: a woman, mother of my friends, has liver cancer; doctors say she has only two months life.
Please: ever heard of curing liver cancer with ALOE ARBORESCENS ? any positive results ? which recipe ?

Cancer alternatives are never as simple as one thing cure all
She needs to get her system oxygenated and PH balanced for one. She needs to get her liver detoxed but with cancer I am not sure if she should do a detox right off without getting her system balanced first.
Some basics for cancer are green tea and essaic tea (brew yourself, store drinks contain too much sugars and preservatives)
She needs to change her diet for a cancer diet
Lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries
High fiber, good fats,
Low meat intake, cut out bad fats, sweets, sugars, artificial sweeteners, junk food,

Some basic supplements she needs are B1, CoQ10, shark or bovine cartilege, astragulas

type alternatives to liver cancer in search engine and read up on it. Feel free to ask more q's?

I'm sorry, but no, that will not cure liver cancer. Liver cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. I had a dear friend die of it. The only thing about it being so deadly that gave me a little peace after she died was to realize that really, there was NOTHING ELSE I could have done to cure her. I didn't miss suggesting to her some great new chemo, or great new treatment. NOTHING would have made a difference. The only thing I could really do to help her was to make her last few months better, so she felt loved and supported.

I wouldn't try any supplements, though, before asking one's doctor about them. The liver's job is to process all kinds of toxins and drugs in the body. Her liver's capacity is already severely reduced--if she takes supplements of some kinds, her body might react poorly.

Aloe vera has profound effect on whole digestive system including liver. It cures many ailments of liver but now it is perhaps too late to solely depend on it.
Now when you have no hope, why not to give 'COW URINE THERAPY' a chance. In India, urine of cow has successfully been used to cure several serious diseases including cancers of all body parts. Still 'cow urine therapy' is used with high success rate.
Try this without telling the patient about it and believe me its taste is not worse than allopathic medicines.

I don't recommend aloe.

Go to

Also read the book, CANCER STEP OUTSIDE THE BOX. Find it at where you can read all the feedback.

There all many ways to cure cancer. so many that you would be confused with reading them all.

Two other good websites are and [but I've been having a problem with frames working on that site-maybe I need to reboot?].

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