What is your tried and true method for heartburn?!

Question: Husband has taken over the counter and prescription drugs to no avail.Finally after 2-3 days it went away.He tried some ginger tea and even vinegar but he's not sure if the Prevacid was what finally kicked in.

Answers: Husband has taken over the counter and prescription drugs to no avail.Finally after 2-3 days it went away.He tried some ginger tea and even vinegar but he's not sure if the Prevacid was what finally kicked in.

i have the same problem. it happens when i eat anything tomato based, or anything containing acid. i take prevacid everyday.

mints always worked for me


tums, tums and more tums

A few spoonfuls of plain vanilla ice cream or a glass of milk works better for me than any over the counter medication. I have been told that it is because the milk coats the stomache. Or, maybe I just like ice cream. :)

I mix 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to 1 cup of water and 2 chewable tablets of Gaviscon.

he needs to lay off the food that starts it, he could also have acid reflux which can lead to an even greater medical problem. for 2 weeks he should switch to what the doctors call the b.r.a.t. diet and yogurt, the brat diet is designed to help children get through the stomach flu but it also helps adults with this problem...
bananas, apples, rice (brown) and dry toast, as well as all natural yogurt and egg whites. This is what my father was on for 2 weeks and it helped him allot. Poached chicken green leafy veggies and little or no dressings will help as well. If he is having the problem w/everything he eats then he should seek medical attention immediately.

EDIT: He needs to see the doctor.. I called my father & can't get a hold of him but my mother said what essentally happended was the acid in his stomach got soo bad it ate the flap of his esphogas and he had a much bigger issue than what I knew of.. He should go to the doctor before it gets worse. Also, my mom said that this could be a virus, that my fathers doctor told him that some stomach ulcers are started by a virus... go figure.. I hope he feels better soon!

Well, when I start getting bad heartburn, it is usually because I have gained weight, don't know why, just is... but what I do, is take a bunch of tums.

3 Rolaids or soda (from a box) mixed in warm water works well for me.

If he is over-weight he must lose some pounds. A big belly will cause heartburn.

A raw food diet. If he ate nothing but raw fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fresh juices, he could throw all medications away. Raw food contains the enzymes necessary for digestion.

Go to a health food store and get Heartburn Free. The relief lasts for months. This is the only thing that helped me long term.

I have had very good experiences with Pepto, Mylanta (extra strength), and Zantac 150.

I use Nexium, and it works great for me. I have GERD, which, I guess is another way of saying acid reflux. Has he spoken to a doctor about this? Nexium and Protonix are both very good, though you have to get a prescription for them; they cost too much to pay for them on your own. Sitting up helps me, so I don't lay down for at least 2 hours after eating, I also raised the head of my bed up by six inches, using those cup things people use to raise their beds up for storage. I know Bed, Bath and Beyond sells the bed risers or whatever they're called. Prilosec OTC only helped me a little bit, I wasn't much impressed with it, but it was better than Prevacid. I ended up taking the Prilosec twice a day, and it still didn't help like the Nexium does. I take the Nexium twice a day, too, but once you let it build up in your system it works phenomenally! If he has prescription coverage, I Highly recommend your husband try Nexium or Protonix. Also, I got better care and advice once I went to a GI doctor, my insurance tried sending me through an ENT because the reflux was causing me to cough due to it wearing away the lining of my esophagus. I hope something in my ramblings proves helpful to you!

Eliminated almost 100% permanently (except when not drinking enough water in the day then eating a large, cheesy, spicy meal - like Mexican cheese dip)

Probiotic pill every morning 15 minutes before 1st meal
Enzyme - complete enzyme - with each meal

I had serious heartburn and acid reflux before starting this regimen. Within a week of adding probiotics and enzymes the heartburn was gone. My biggest problem was sleeping at night, it would always be worst then. I didn't start the probiotics and enzymes for this specific reason, but found it an awesome side benefit!!

I'll also mention that from anecdotal info I have received, you will want to make sure he is getting at least 96 oz of water, fresh, filtered, unchlorinated, unfluoridated, and that he isn't doing sodas, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup or excessive chocolate. High quality cocoa can actually be of some benefit with limited intake, but not the typical chocolate you find in the store.

i have acid reflux disease myself, and i eat ice cram or yogurt or anything else thats dairy. It really helps!! otherwise try tums or rolaids

Stay on the Prevacid, the doc told me that you have to stay on it at least a month....
or it comes back very quickly....take care..

vinegar because there isn't enough acid in the stomach

-Drink a glass of chilled milk which is a quick remedy for heartburn.
-Taking ginger root with honey after meal is also effective.
-Take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with a pinch of baking soda for immediate relief.
-After eating, stay upright; take a walk.
For more details see below source:

proper and limited intake and constant elimination

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