What's the best kind of cigarette?!

Question: Don't be dumb and say "CANCER STICKS" or "YOU'RE GONNA DIE"
I obviously know the health risks, but I'd like to know YOUR opinion as smokers or ex-smokers..

Answers: Don't be dumb and say "CANCER STICKS" or "YOU'RE GONNA DIE"
I obviously know the health risks, but I'd like to know YOUR opinion as smokers or ex-smokers..

Using "Hookah" is the best ever seriously.
If u hvent, then try it. its so amazing.

I prefer Basic Full Flavor, in a box.

Camel, no filters!

lol thats is exactly what I wanted to write. I think parliment lights are the best.

None at all. I smoked Camel and I smoked Kools and enjoyed them both. I still want to slap the guy that said cigarettes are not addictive. I still want one many many years later. . .

I loved Camel light hard pack. They had a really nice smell and taste to them. I don't smoke anymore, but I think they were better then Marbolo light.

The last one you ever smoke.

I like Senica Menthol King size. There are no additives. They cost $15 a carton and are sold in indian casinos

i roll my own with tobacco and rolling paper. i used to grow my own tobacco, and cure it myself etc.now i settle for store bought mixed with pipe tobacco and rolled into large loose hand rolled smokes.almost as relaxing blending and rolling them as it is smoking.

As a former smoker of 20plus years, I still have to say: "NO CIGARETTE IS THE BEST KIND!"

I'm not being sarcastic, I'm telling it like it is. You can't BS your way around it. A cigarette is NOT good, it never was and never will be. Oh yes, they were great while addicted, but that's the rub, they were only good BECAUSE of the addiction! Not because they were actually good.


idk i cant smoke im 13 but my dad smokes camle wides i think

Capri- because they have an extremely slim shape- its very feminine

Best kind in terms of "doing little or no harm?" Or " more enjoyable to smoke, lasting longer?" The former is none. The latter is sadly if you find it enjoyable, then you are too deep an addict, you know what to do, just a matter of if and when.

I guess it's not a cigarette of sorts but extremely enjoyable and I don't smoke--- small cigars only on special occasions of course ! and the smell of it in the air is just so wonderful...

I'd say Marlboro all the way!!!

Them candy ones from the goody bar truck

Virginia Slim Menthol Lights, definitely!

american spirit, health wise...... but newports and camel frosts are tasty

seriously its newport

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