Is it safe to take apple cider vinegar for health reasons,but does it affect blood pressure medicine .?!

Question: I take blood pressuremedicine i know i cant eat grapefruit cause it works against the medicine.

Answers: I take blood pressuremedicine i know i cant eat grapefruit cause it works against the medicine.

No, there are no studies showing how apple cider vinegar conflicts with blood pressure medication.

The reason why there are conflicting studies showing that the cider works versus not working is that they are not discerning the difference between natural and processed.

Processed Apple Cider Vinegar is dead. Nothing nutritional in value for the gut.

Whole Apple Cider Vinegar, such as the company that makes BRAGG'S explains this scientifically to everyone's satisfaction as to why it works, how it works, and that it is beneficial.

A great resource for you is to find out about your medications you take and what deficiencies they cause so that you can cover that defiency through foods or whole food supplement molecules that are not synthetic or interfere with your medications.

That source is and I provided the direct link under my resources list. Click on REFERENCE LIBRARY and then click on medications from A to Z and find the one you are on and learn about the nutritional deficiency it causes and known side affects.

That way you don't panic if you feel vertigo. You will know its an adjustment of your medication or withdrawal from the drug if you feel vertigo.

Take care and a happy healthy future for you because you are pro active in your health.

there is no medical benefit from drinking vinegar....

There is no medical benefit from vinegar. You feel better because you think you should - it is a nice example of the placebo effect.

apple cider vinegar has many health benefits that are documented over and over again but they should be raw and organic to protect enzymes .

Yes it's safe,my dad has it and he takes it.Anything natural has no side affects and rarely interacts with drugs their is a lot of health benefits from taking it,it's all been tested and proven.

ACV has a lot of health benefits and one of them is that it helps to reduce high blood pressure so it is most unlikely that it would clash with your medication, especially as it is a natural substance.

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