How to home treat a boil with natural ingredient?!

Question: Been to the Doctor and did what he said to do and took all my medicine but it seem not to be healing?

Answers: Been to the Doctor and did what he said to do and took all my medicine but it seem not to be healing?

The bottle thing is a bit painful, but works every time. My granny in law actually did it with a spoon. Ive only had one boil and I was too much of wimp to let them do that to me.

Black salve, or draw out salve. Or neosporin. Keep bandaged, but change the dressing often.

Egg white mixed to a paste with baking soda.

Fresh tobacco (like off the farm) with a bit of warm water.

Stay in the shower as long as you can with hot (as hot as you can tolerate) water spray directly on the boil/effected area.

Raw bacon. A fatty peice is better.

The medically correct advice is not to lance it your self or pick at. That is correct because if not done sterily, you could get a worse infection. However I do know some people try to squeeze them like a zit. Not medically recommended and it is painful, but sometimes it work.

Supposedly taking garlic supplements is supposed to help lessen the number of occurances, and its also good if you take vit-c

Lance that puppy with a bobbi pin & squirt it on the mirror!!

Go to the drugstore and buy "Drawing Salve". Apply per instructions and cover with guaze.

It works very well and quickly.

You can do the same thing with shredded raw potato. Just doesn't work quite as fast.

I have heard people who cut a potato as weird as it sounds and leave it on the area for awhile, black salve and if something really needs to be drawn out toothpaste.

Have you tried a hot compress followed by tea tree oil? I'm not a doc but its just a suggestion

might be staph infection
you can try peroxide ,antibiotic cream and cover it
no picking or peeling it
soak it 2 times a day in warm salt water
if not better soon see your doctor again

Take a piece of bread and soak it in milk and then apply it to the boil with a piece of cloth over it. Let it stay on for a few hours if possible and it will draw it out. Also the old method my Gramma used and worked but can sometimes be a little painful... is to heat up a pan of boiling water and put a pop bottle in it letting it fill with the steam and quickly putting the opening of the bottle top on the boil to create a suction wich will also draw it out.

Sometimes these boils are due to a very serious Staph.Auries infection. If it got some better while taking antibiotic, then came back after you quit, it might require a different Rx from the doctor.

The pop bottle thing sounds painful! I've tried the potato but it takes a couple days

My daughter had those. I put on Germ-X before I was going to lance them. Weirdly enough, the Germ-X made the pus come out of the boil. So I just covered them and kept on applying germ-X. They dried up.

It sounds as if it could be community acquired MRSA. Be careful and don't wait too long if it will not get better with what you are doing. I would be concerned about it going into a blood/body infection. We see people in the hosp. that need IV antibiotics to clear the infection. You have to get the pus out of the boil and if it has a capsule surrounding the pus you will need to clean all that out too. Good luck! Scary stuff.

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